Chapter 23 - Getting the Mail

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Progress on his new mansion was coming along perfectly. So, Cain decided to also hire some gardeners to start working on the surrounding yard. Though with the number of people he'd been sending to finish the build, he knew he'd have to show up in person soon to make sure the dryad didn't get too uncomfortable with so many 'visitors'. 

When the demon returned from her mission, Cain immediately set her to work on his distraction plan. Andrew was constantly in his father's ear, and recently he noticed suspicious glances cast his way more often. Luckily he had the servants on his side this time in case anything unsubstantial was brought up against him. He also made sure to stay in his room so his whereabouts could be tracked for the time being.

Today was different though. Catalina had spent less than two days investigating Dodson before reporting she had information, though insisted they meet in the capital. So he made his way downstairs, intent on leaving for the day when he was stopped by the very same mustached investigator as before.

This man wore a brown checkerboard coat and black pants. His boots were dark leather and he had a very sleek mustache. His father was practically attached to the man's hip whenever this particular detective came by. Cain learned that it was because this man had a reputation and went by the title Detective Karl Earl.

"And where are you going?" William asked, noticing Cain's departure.

The Marquess turned and offered a courteous acknowledgment to the investigator. "I thought I'd get some fresh air since I'd been confined to my room for so long." He left out the part where his father stopped being so strict about it and hoped the man didn't backtrack in front of company.

"You're still being confined?" The detective asked, turning to the Duke.

William rubbed his eyes and sighed, frustrated that such an unimportant topic had come up. "My...Son...Has developed a gambling habit. I restricted him to his room to make sure he didn't pawn off any more of his clothes to feed his addiction."

"But none of the gambling places are open right now." Cain gestured towards the window, where the morning sun was high in the sky. "I just want to go into town for a bit and walk around. Maybe eat something fresh for once."

"What does that mean?"

"Never mind!" William suddenly interjected the investigator and started steering him away. "Go on and do whatever you want, but make sure to be back before evening. Do you understand me?"

"Crystal clear father." Cain nodded, then nearly skipped out of the house and for once, used one of the family coaches. It'd be best if he did not disappear while so many people were looking into him.

Once he was dropped off, he wandered towards the western district, where the more religious folks lived. He avoided this area due to his unpleasant disposition for temples after to his untimely demise in his past life.

These temples weren't nearly as big as the ones in the Valley of Peace, but they were of the same style, with tall stone pillars, robed statues, stained glass, and expansive walkways. As he approached, a group of monks passed, single file, into the blue stone temple, and he found himself freezing on the spot.

The fires of the pit were still fresh in his mind. So fresh in fact that he could remember his skin bubbling from the heat...

"Having nightmares?" Asked a platinum-haired commoner in a simple yellow dress.

Cain scowled at Catalina, who had insisted he come out to greet her. Quickly the Marquess glanced around, making sure no one saw him speaking to the woman.

"Why did you want me to come here?" He hissed, annoyed.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't want to be seen with me."

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