Chapter 42 - Work

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Cain held his arms out as the new butler took his measurements. The young man was biting his lip in focus as his short brown bangs continuously fell into his eyes. It was only his second month in the manor but so far he had earned his place through hard work.

The ex-marquess was stuck staring at his reflection in the three mirrors of the dressing room. He was wearing a dark blue coat with golden trim and white dress pants. Over the years, he'd grown thin from lack of appetite, and frequent nightmares made sleep difficult to obtain, thus causing bags under his eyes. It was a familiar look since this was the state he had been in during his past life. How ironic that he should return to this state despite becoming one of the wealthiest people in the empire.

"That should do it," Geoffrey commented, writing down the measurements in his notepad. "I'll make sure the new suits get tailored before the week is out."

"Thank you." Cain lowered his arms, grateful for the break, and massaged one of his shoulders.

"Should I order a masseuse to come as well?"

"No, it's alright. I have other business to attend to for now."

"Very well. Then I shall take my leave." The butler bowed and left the room.

Three women carrying makeup boxes approached him next, waiting for the young lord to take his seat so they could get to work.

He sat still as they began applying powder to add color to his face. With their magic touch, the bags under his eyes would disappear and he'd be left with a bright and rosy complexion. As for his clothes, he had to be careful that they were tailored in just a way that his scrawny disposition wasn't too noticeable. It was already bad enough that survivors had gotten a look at his face back in Chestershire. The last thing he needed was for people to notice how unwell Lord Brooks was too.

The staff in the manor were new but had proven to be loyal. He made sure to perform a careful process of background checks and legal contracts to make sure none of them could turn on him. Then he stopped hiring altogether about a year and a half ago when the attacks on villages became worse. This way he could avoid accidentally hiring a refugee whom would turn on him upon learning his true identity.

It was hard work being a double agent, but it had paid off nicely. As the arsonist, he could strategically destroy villages, and as Wolf Brooks, he could buy the survivors loyalty out from under the emperor's nose. He was also sure to spread nasty rumors around the lower class to help push things along. Sooner or later there would be an uprising. One which the emperor would not be able to handle with Chalot right on his doorstep.

The growing population of nearby Ashbury was not what he'd planned on though. Not that it was a bad thing. In a way, he'd earned his goal of becoming a duke already. He just needed the official title to be granted.

No. He just needed the people's approval. Three years ago it was apparent that Maddox had the upper hand with his reputation and business savvy ways. But now, Cain had the commoners approval, as well as the nobles. So long as they didn't find out he was the arsonist, he now had more sway over the empire than Maddox himself.

Sure, Cain couldn't blow up entire dragons like the villain did with his sword, but Cain could still teleport from one place to another without anyone tracing his movements. With this kind of maneuverability, not even the mages could touch him.

"Lean back please." One of the maids requested, and Cain obeyed as she started styling his hair.

Finally, he was presentable, and he prepared to leave for the next battlefront. The queen was waiting for an update on the emperor's next move. And by now, she probably thought that Cain was some kind of royal advisor with all his knowledge of the war. Unfortunately, there was another upcoming issue that was growing more urgent by the day.

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