Chapter 60 - How Convenient

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 Catalina broke one of the upper windows and carried Cain through it. To avoid the majority of the palace guards, who were now desperately trying to open the doors to free the trapped nobles, they slunk into the shadows and slid into the palace's interior.

The fire was spreading to other halls, so the only people they passed were either shouting for help or searching for the rest of the guards. Now and then one of them would notice Catalina, and the demon would make quick work of breaking their necks.

"We can't just walk straight through this place killing everyone we meet." Cain sighed as her fourth victim slid to the ground.

"Why not? You got to burn a whole room full of nobles. Let me have some fun now."

"You got to drop a chandelier on Andrew's head."

"But it wasn't what killed him, was it?" She pointed out.

He shook his head, realizing he'd have no choice but to let the demon give into her more vicious nature. There wasn't much downside to exterminating the Emperor's supporters anyway.

They continued through the halls, with Catalina killing guards and other unfortunate souls who happened to be in the way when they came across two fully adorned knights. Their visors covered their faces, unlike the previous guards who had removed their helmets so they could better see in the dark.

Catalina crouched, ready to jump at them, when the taller knight raised his hands in surrender and shouted "Wait!"

Cain raised a palm, signaling the demon to hold off as the two knights got a little closer. The torches along the walls illuminated their forms, and when one of them removed their helmet, Cain couldn't help but gasp.


"What are you doing here?" The dark-haired villain asked, glancing out of a nearby window and noticing the massive fire spreading from the ballroom wing. "Oh. Never mind. I figured it out."

Once the disbelief subsided, Cain began stomping his way towards the two disguised knights. He barely registered that the second one had removed his helmet and revealed himself to be Thistle Wood by the time he passed him.

"What are you-" Maddox was cut off when Cain suddenly grabbed his chest plate and pulled him down so he could smash their lips together in a rough kiss. He didn't intend it to be so violent, but he wasn't going to leap into the man's arms either.

Thistle Wood seemed to freeze in place as he watched their display, while Catalina huffed and folded her arms patiently. After a brief, tender moment, Cain pulled away.

"I thought you were dead!" He accused.

Maddox blinked, then straightened himself. "How ironic. I was told you were dead. But I at least knew better than to believe it."

Cain glared at him, not sure why he was frustrated with the man, but he brushed it away due to their current situation. "Well, misinformation aside, We need to leave. As you very well have noticed I just set the entire upper crust of society on fire."

"Yes. Your Arsonist antics strike again I noticed. Wait, did you say everyone?"

"Most of them. I'm pretty sure Andrew had invited as many nobles as he could, whether he knew them or not. Otherwise, security wouldn't have let me Catalina in with our fake invitations so easily."

"Andrew?" Maddox's eyes glowed for a brief moment, and he shifted to a more sinister pose. "Your brother, Andrew Duclair, is dead?"

"Half brother. And yes...A chandelier fell on his head." He glanced at Catalina who was hiding a half grin. Both of them had agreed that they'd spread rumors of his ridiculous demise the first chance they got. Slightly immature, but worth it after all the ridiculousness that Andrew had put him through.

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