Chapter 29 - Who did it?

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Cain ducked just in time, then used his strength to break through the roof of the carriage and escape.

The carriage driver was running off down the road, screaming his head off as the creature stalked the blond.

Sure, he could try to run, but he wasn't very fast. Nor was it a good idea to turn his back on an enemy. Could he last in a fight with a demon? This one was not as big as Catalina was, but at the same time, he didn't know enough about them to tell if he could hold his own.

Well, it looked like he was about o find out!

Another swipe at his head had Cain rolling to the side and trying to kick at the creature's legs. Unfortunately, the creature's legs bent more like the hind legs of a dog, and thus the trick didn't work. So instead, he got back up and dodged another swipe before punching the creature's chest with all his might.

To Cain's surprise, the creature was sent flying two feet backward.

Unlike Catalina, this demon didn't have wings. He instead had four pointy horns aligning his brow, with glowing red eyes and hulking muscles. His jagged fangs protruded upwards from his lips as he snarled, his tail thrashing about as he attempted to regain his footing.

Cain wanted to try and kick his head in as he'd done with Powerhouse, but when he tried to get close, either his tail or arms would lash out and trip him.


Suddenly, another horrendous snarl ripped through the air as a blur flew by, slamming into the demon and pinning it to the ground. Cain struggled back to his feet and made some distance between himself and whatever was happening over there.

Tossing a glance back over his shoulder, he realized the blur had been Catalina, who was now ripping the other demon's face off with her bare claws as she snarled above him in her true form, her wings extending above her to make her appear even bigger than she was.

He stopped and watched, realizing there was no way the enemy demon would win at this rate, and soon enough she had him by the throat.

"Who is your master!?" She demanded in a gravely voice.

The other demon gargled defiantly, and Catalina's eyes darkened before she snapped his neck.

"Why did you do that so quickly?" Cain called. "Couldn't you have tried to torture it out of him?"

She straightened herself, brushing her bloodied claws off on her sides. "No. If a demon doesn't answer when asked, then they'll take that information to the grave with them. We do have another way to get the information."


She knelt beside the body and ripped open the front of his tunic, revealing a fading symbol.

"Every demon who is summoned has an identifying mark like this." She then lifted away the string of femurs around her neck to reveal her own symbol, which was a combination of triangles and circles with some curved writing. "This is how we tell which demons are here as servants and which ones are...More respected."

Cain tilted his head at that last comment, but she ignored his reaction. "We just need to write down his symbol and see who sold the sigil."

"There's only one place I know that sells those in the capital." He referred to the black market but knew he couldn't get in without an invite like last time. And he couldn't just ask Maddox for another since the man was out of the Empire at the moment.

Then again, with his alter ego's reputation, he might just be able to request an invite directly...

"Good. Because this would be a lot harder if we didn't have a place to start." She joked, glancing back at the creature's body. "We don't have to clean this up, do we?"

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