Chapter 20 - The Crime

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Cain's contract with the demon was nothing like he had expected.

For the next few days, he'd notice the shadow slinking across the floor, tailing one of the servants, and disappearing in thin air whenever anyone tried to glance at it. At night, right when he was ready to fall asleep, the demon's voice would ring out from under his bed with a vague update, usually along the lines of 'Nothing yet'.

"You said you could spot my brother and stepmother easily. Do you need me to show you which ones they are?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why are you tailing the servants?"

"You don't honestly think a noble would go out and buy poison themselves, do you?"

And with that, Cain shut his mouth.

As a paranoid criminal, Cain had grown accustomed to committing his crimes in person. Yet he had to admit, it was not the aristocratic way to do things. Even his brother had hired goons to do his dirty work.

There was still a lot for Cain to learn if he were ever to become as successful as Maddox.

One morning, as Cain was getting dressed, Gideon came to his room. "Young Master, Duke William Duclair wishes to see you in his study."

Cains's hands stopped fiddling with his collar and he straightened his shirt, upset that the demon hadn't warned him. "He's returned?"

"Only briefly." The butler answered. "Please know that he appears to be in an...unfortunate mood."

"I see." Cain frowned but knew he couldn't avoid this, so he followed the butler out to his father's wing of the mansion where he waited for the man to grant him entry.

Inside, it was just his father standing in front of his desk, arms folded, wearing a silver vest and white puff-sleeved shirt. His eyes drilled holes into the Marquess as Cain stepped forward for their meeting.

"I've heard some very concerning things about your recent behavior." He began sharply. "Lena said you've been gambling your belongings away."

"Just my clothes," Cain admitted, going along with the story he had ordered Norton to use. "Since I am not granted the funds-

"Silence!" The Duke snapped angrily. "You think I would allow you access to our treasury when you'd just go and blow it on alcohol and cards?"

Cain knew at this moment he needed to bow and apologize, but his father's biting tone had him feeling angered. 

William Duclair waited for Cain to say something, and when he remained silent, he walked right up to the Marquess and slapped him across the face.

It took everything in Cain's power to resist striking back.

"You are no longer allowed to use the tailor," William ordered. "Furthermore, you are no longer allowed to leave this house to make a mockery of yourself. Do you hear me?!"

Cain's eyes darkened, and he slowly turned his head back towards his father.

Not for the first time, he wondered why he was being punished for his father's infidelity? William had chosen to sleep with a maid, knowing it was forbidden. Yet instead of taking responsibility, he chose to take his frustrations out on his own son.

He was tempted to strike back, knowing it would be the end of his time as a Duclair. Sure his mansion wasn't finished, but he had enough funds to live at an Inn for a while. Perhaps he didn't need to put up with this after all?

It would be oh-so-nice to punch this man.

Cain straightened himself and was on the verge of using every ounce of the pearl's power to knock his father's head across the room when he noticed a dancing shadow against the far wall.

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