Chapter 31 - On The Lam

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For once, Cain was grateful that he hadn't made many appearances as a Duclair in the Empire, though his striking blond hair and golden green eyes didn't help much. He still stood out like a sore thumb, and unfortunately, now was not the time to switch personas if he wanted to avoid linking his identity to Wolf Brooks.

"I don't know how well I can fight off those men if they have the same kind of magic as the Prince." Catalina warned, still in her human form but prepared to shift at any second.

Cain cursed under his breath, not having predicted this scenario in a million years, nor did he have time to ponder on why they were saying his father was dead when he'd just seen the man.

Norton rushed from around the corner and skidded to a halt when he noticed the two hiding behind the building. "There you are!" He whispered urgently, checking to make sure no one saw him as he approached. "Look, I don't know what's going on, but I know a way out of here without being spotted."

Of course he did. Cain could always count on Norton to get out of a tight spot!

He nodded towards Catalina and the two followed the ex-theif through the alleyways, towards the slums, and through the servant's quarters of a restaurant. They slipped passed the cooks who were too busy to do anything more than shoo at the trio of caped figures who rushed to the adjacent restaurant and headed for the bridge out front. Climbing down to the lower ledge, they found a sewer pipe full of sludge, and to his dismay, Norton led them inside.

It was hours before they got a good whiff of fresh air again, and it was nightfall. As they emerged, Norton pointed out a local stable where they could purchase horses to get further out of the Capital.

"Thank you for your help." Cain led two horses towards the road.

"Not at all." Norton followed along, casting curious glances at Catalina now that they were no longer in the darkness of the sewers. "You helped me get off the streets, the least I can do is help keep you out of jail."

"I truly appreciate it."

"Anytime. Duke William was a prick anyway." Norton commented offhandedly, and Cain fought back a smirk.

Then, the smirk was wiped off his face once Cain processed what this meant. "Andrew's now a Duke." He groaned his realization.

"So much for taking the title from him." Catalina clicked her tongue. "Not that it was ever his to begin with."

"I don't understand?" Norton intervened. "What's this about a title?"

"Did you not read the pamphlets?"

"I did," Norton admitted. "I just thought it was some more rumors. I went to that gala before and heard all kinds of stories that I knew weren't true because...Well, some of them were about me! So I didn't take any of what was said seriously."

"But it is true," Cain explained. "Those weren't lies. Lena did kill my mother, and I have proof of it now, but my father was an accomplice and would never have let her go to prison for it."

"It sounds like you were the one who made those pamphlets...." Norton stopped walking.

Cain weighed how much he could reveal at this point. He was already a wanted man, framed for a murder he had no idea had been committed, or at least faked. It was not like things could get much worse. But before he could say anything, the man shrugged.

"Well, I can't blame you."

Right. Norton was the one who notified him of the poison in the first place. He should be able to trust the man at this point.

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