Chapter 33 - Trusting the Enemy

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It was an uncomfortable visit for Cain. The first day was durable, but by the second day, his bottom had grown sore from sitting on the hard ground. Not to mention how embarrassing it was to need permission to relieve himself in the bushes.

The guards watching over him remained alert and refused to take their eyes off him, unlike his previous experiences. Cain half expected Maddox to pop in any minute to check on him but found himself practically on his own and his hope dwindled as the time passed.

One night he heard arguing outside but couldn't understand what was being said. He could identify Maddox's voice and scooched closer to the wall to try and hear better but was scolded for moving.

His food was stale bread and weak soup, which he barely touched until he heard the camp outside come alive with the sounds of soldiers' feet and clanking armor. Then, Thistle entered the tent and whispered something in the guard's ear before leaving without so much as a glance in Cain's direction.

The ex-Marquess was finally escorted out of the tent, wearing the same clothes he did when he arrived, and he stood in front of the queen who had her arms folded across her chest with a stern look on her face. She seemed troubled.

"The scouts have confirmed that the Emperor's men are in the north, and advancing into the Kingdom. They've also confirmed unusual weapons in their arsenal. Something you also mentioned, but none of our spies have ever gotten information on." She unfolded her arms and eyed him. "I take it that demon of yours is the informant?"

Cain frowned and shot a glance to the side where Maddox was located. Just as displeased as before. He really meant it when he said he'd tell them everything...

"Yes." He lied. "I also know how to defeat them."

"Do you now?" She asked, giving it a moment's thought, then held her arms out. "Very well. Come with me and we'll discuss plans."

Cain blinked and the crowd dispersed obediently. As the Queen walked off towards another tent, Maddox appeared at his side, clenching his arm and guiding him forward.

It didn't take a genius to tell that Maddox was still angry with him, and Cain had to wonder just what trouble the Villain was in for vouching for him.

The war tent had a table with maps and wooden models scattered about it. There were two other burly men, one with a thick beard and another with a messy mustache. They were pouring over the map as the Queen started moving the pawns for the Emperor's army to the northern trail where they'd last heard of their whereabouts.

"So this is where our spies found them. Which means we have less than a week before they make it far enough inland that they'll circle us."

"We need to move the camp." The bearded general suggested. "Pack everything up and backtrack before we're cornered."

"We're already cornered." The mustached one countered. "We need to follow behind them instead. They won't expect that."

"They will once they notice the army is not guarding the border."

"So we catch up to them fast."

"What if we split up? Half stay by the border and the other half sneak up behind?"

"We won't have enough men to endure a battle if one half engages before the other. It's too risky."

"What about the weapons?" Maddox interrupted their discussion. "Didn't the scouts claim they were unusual? How are we to deal with those?"

"That's what he's here for." The Queen eyed Cain and gestured to the map. "You said you wanted to help, right? So...Help."

Cain's mind raced as he tried to think of how to announce his plan. He'd never participated in a strategic meeting like this before and didn't want to come off as immature. Then again, he was pretty green to this sort of thing. Hopefully, they wouldn't be too disappointed.

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