Chapter 33 - Legacy

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After that night with Himiko, Izuku made his way to his next Evoker lesson. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of anticipation - these teachings may be the last before officially starting his internship under Midnight.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't checked in with the others about their internship placements," he mused aloud. Most of his friends would likely be going outside the city's boundaries. "And I still need to review Mei's latest report too. Got a bit...sidetracked yesterday."

His mind drifted to the more mystical aspects of his training. 'Evoker lessons are one thing, but I wonder when Eindridi will delve into actual spellcasting and the like. Going over history is all well and good, but I'm itching to expand my powers.'

Lost in thought, Izuku barely registered Nana's approach until she called out a greeting. "Hey Izuku! Ready for class?"

He blinked, refocusing. "Yeah, pretty much. It's been a hectic couple of weeks though. At this rate, I just hope they get around to teaching me some actual magic soon."

Nana laughed heartily at his grumbling. "Come on, you've learned plenty of magic already. Just being around you, I can feel your power growing."

"I mean, sure," Izuku conceded. "But that's not from these university lessons. That growth comes from you, Midnight, Ochaco...Hell, even Mina taught me some things about magic while I had my...well. Never mind."

As they arrived at the vacant classroom, Nana quirked an inquisitive eyebrow. "I don't see Eindridi here. You think the old man's running late again?"

Izuku scanned the empty desks, a troubled frown creasing his brow. Just then, a thought occurred to him. "Hey, I never asked - Sarah mentioned Eindridi was giving you personal lessons?"

Nana's expression sobered. "Aye, he was."

"How's that been going?" Izuku pressed. "Learning any powerful new spells or abilities?"

"Nah, nothing like that. Mostly just family stuff. He was my father's...He knew Dad well," she said before continuing. "So a lot of it is just talking about Dad, and teaching me things, stuff he figured Dad would have taught me, if he had time."

"So that's why he was here. He said it was a favor to an old friend," Izuku said.

"Aye," Nana confirmed with a reminiscent smile. "Bit of a letdown if you were expecting grand teachings about your vaunted destiny though?"

"Are you kidding?" Izuku scoffed good-naturedly. "My 'destiny' has already caused me more than enough trouble. I'm honestly relieved to share that burden."

"There's no trouble in this, it's good to get a chance to hear about Dad. He's always this...this larger than life character, you know," she started. "I guess most 13-year-old girls see their dad as a Hero, but he really was."

"Yeah, I can imagine."

"So. Most of the people you talk to, if they remember him, they remember the Hero. Or the Evoker. Or the lost husband. But Eindridi told me about the man behind that legend, you know? It's...grounding, in a way I never expected to need." she said.

Izuku nodded understandingly. "I'm glad you're getting that opportunity then. You did kind of sabotage my homework sessions with Ochaco though. Mina ended up joining our study group once you left."

"Oh?" Nana's eyes danced with mischief. "So no more hands-on 'lessons' in giving and receiving pleasure with the princess? My condolences."

"Yeah, nothing like that anytime soon," Izuku laughed. "Although it hasn't been quite the disaster I was bracing for either." He eyed her impishly. "But speaking of owing me, I believe you're still in my debt for that little scheme of yours..."

Midoriya Izuku - The Winter King (BNHA x Love of Magic)Where stories live. Discover now