Chapter 15 - Fifty Shades of...Green?

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Izuku POV

After changing my clothes at the dorm, I went back out to explore the area more. The sun still shining in bright light. The sound of chattering people fills my ears. The smell of air, warm and earthy, fills my nose. As I walk, feeling the pavement underfoot, I have come across a coffee shop, just a few blocks away from the campus. Conveniently, a bookstore is located just a few buildings away.

'Huh. I guess I know what I'm going to be doing for the rest of the day.' I thought.

I make way to the bookshop, the entrance not too extraordinary. At least, it doesn't look that different from a regular bookstore; some books displayed at the front are labeled from romance, to drama books, to a few best-sellers. The inside, I discovered, is anything but.

As I step into the bookstore, a soft glow suffuses the air, lending the space an otherworldly charm. Sunlight filters through large windows, dappling the shelves with warm, inviting light. The shelves themselves seem to whisper secrets, each book holding a hint of mystery and wonder.

The scent of old paper mingles with the faint aroma of cinnamon, adding a cozy warmth to the atmosphere. Dust motes dance lazily in the sunbeams, creating a gentle, mesmerizing spectacle.

Perhaps there's a faint shimmer around the edges of some of the books, hinting at the possibility of something more than meets the eye. A particularly ancient tome might emit a subtle, pulsing energy, drawing you closer with its silent invitation to uncover its secrets.

"Welcome to Rambling Rascal, the premium bookstore on Mustafu. If you're looking for the esoteric, the exotic, the exciting, and extraordinary, look no further," a beautiful lady with a short dark pixie-bob haircut with chestnut eyes, says. She's slightly taller than the average Japanese woman, dressed in black casual cotton shirt with no sleeve. 

"Intriguing," I say. "Any good books you recommend to read while drinking coffee?" I asked, briefly considering if I should flirt with her and dismissing the thought. It doesn't feel right. At least, not yet.

"We have many books in this store, Midoriya Izuku. Some more urgent than others, but this place always has what you need," she said, gesturing at the rows of books around her.

'Wait a minute.'

"How did you know my name?" I asked, while subtly looking around for any signs of danger. She doesn't feel dangerous, but you can't go wrong with being a little cautious.

"The books know all things, Midoriya Izuku. Including your name. The name's Diana...welcome to my humble shop," she says while extending her hand. No signs of spells being woven in either her words or the handshake so I shook it.

"So, Diana. I take it you're an Esoteric?" I asked her. Esoterics are the Mages with neither Spark nor Voices in their head, but are blessed with talent outside of it like bending spoon with their mind, talking to animals, and other stuff. Talking to and Hearing the books fits the bill. One other guy I knew has the ability to know any and all combinations of every lock and he's thriving in this digital age.

"Indeed I am, Winter Child. What the books both know and share with me is limited, but I know enough," she said with a mysterious smile.

"And what do you know?" I asked, ready to fight if it's come down to it. The last time someone called me 'Winter Child,' it was a bloody dog corpse.

"I know that if you don't buy a book now, it's going to cost you an opportunity," she told me, dodging the question. I'll play along for now.

"So, what book do you recommend?" I asked her.

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