Chapter 12 - USJ Part Two

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Izuku POV

"Gather together and don't move!" Aizawa-sensei instructed us, his tone betrays his agitation at the sudden appearance of the villains. "Thirteen, go protect the students!" he continued, his gaze fixed on the direction of the enemies. He swiftly donned his goggles, a determined expression settled on his features as he prepared to fight for the sake of the students.

I reacted to the situation with caution, my senses on high alert, but beneath the surface, there was an undeniable sense of confidence. Perhaps too confident?

I surveyed the villains and I noted that not one of them seemed to possess a Spark. None of the crowd appeared to pose a significant threat. However, my attention was drawn to the creature with the birdlike features. Something about it seemed inherently dangerous, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Thirteen, Eraserhead, and that unknown? The teacher's schedule we got said that ALL MIGHT was supposed to be here as well," the cloudlike person said before 

"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too..." the light-blue-haired man remarked in a rather droll voice, his tone reminiscent of a disappointed child who had drawn a common item in a loot box game.

"ALL MIGHT, The Symbol of Peace, and he isn't here? I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?" he continued his little speech, unconcerned about the other people here.

STRAIGHT FLUSH! I unleashed billowing flames at the man, a torrent of fire aimed directly at him. At that moment, I was unconcerned about whether he would survive or not. Something tells me that if I didn't go all out from the start, I would regret it.

BOOM! The deafening explosion echoed throughout USJ, its force ripping through the air with devastating power. Most of the villains near the epicenter were engulfed in flames and blasted into the air, akin to leaves caught in a shockwave. They were tossed aside by the immense force, like paper in a tempest, utterly overwhelmed and scattered in all directions by the unleashed power.

"Midoriya! That was excessive force! There was no need for you to do what you did!" Aizawa-sensei's voice boomed, filled with concern and reprimand as he surveyed the devastation caused by the unleashed attack. The villains lay either dead from the fire or the fall, or heavily injured, many with bones protruding from their skin. The severity of the situation weighed heavily on everyone present.

"No! Something isn't right! Let's get out of here!" Ashido-san urgently exclaimed to the entire class and her two teachers, her face contorted with panic and horror as she sensed the impending danger.

I observed the smoky center of the building and was surprised by what I saw. The bird-like creature, who seemed to have shielded the man, still stood, unscathed. Well, not entirely unharmed—its body was covered in burns, but it was quickly recovering from them. The speed of its regeneration was far faster than even Itsuka's impressive ability.

'The creature's clearly not human. Did they mix a weretiger's flesh into that thing?!' I thought to myself as I observed the creature now standing as if nothing had happened. "This is going to be a pain in the ass."

"Ochaco, I need you to go find the rest of the teachers. Go get both ALL MIGHT and Eindridi. They'll be able to make short work of that thing," I instructed her without averting my gaze from the creature. Something told me that one wrong move and half the students and teachers here would end up as nothing more than a pile of ground meat.

"Sir Knight, surely you are not asking me to leave you here to fight that thing by yourself," she protested, clearly not amused by the idea of leaving me alone to face the creature. Her brows furrowed at the idea, a clear indication that leaving others to fight something went against her knight training and personal values.

Midoriya Izuku - The Winter King (BNHA x Love of Magic)Where stories live. Discover now