Chapter 19 - Dressed in Moonlight (A bit of Lime)

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Izuku POV

I woke up early morning to get to the class. I guess it's time for another Ceremonial Magic class this morning. Now that I think about it, I wonder how the homework went for those two. I think it went like a house on fire is probably accurate.

I know Sarah is just trying to start some trouble, but I can't deny she's also helping me get closer to Ochaco. As long as I'm careful, I might even get out of it alive.

Steeling my resolve, I went downstairs towards the common area, only to find a visibly sullen Ashido stationed there, likely awaiting Ochaco's arrival. The last time we'd crossed paths, her spirits had seemed lifted, which made her current poutiness all the more perplexing.

I claimed the couch beside her, draping an arm around her shoulders in a comforting embrace. "What's wrong? A smile suits you way better," I said, using my free hand to gently raise her chin, our eyes meeting.

The melancholic air surrounding her tugged at my heartstrings. Whatever had her so down, I found myself wanting to chase away the shadows and restore the infectious radiance I'd come to expect from the vibrant Ashido-san.

"Midori~" Ashido greeted with a sullen pout, the usual bubbly personality drained from her demeanor. She hugged me tight with both arms before starting. "It's just...Nana. You can't imagine what an absolute bitch she was. I've never been so angry!"

Concern furrowed my brow as I listened intently. As an Evoker like myself, I knew Nana didn't have the highest opinion of Ritualists. But Ashido had always been an exception in my eyes. "What happened?" I asked gently.

Her rant continued, indignation blazing. "And what's up with that stupid dress code?! That's gotta be some kind of violation. If I knew I'd have to strip down to my underwear in front of that witch, I would've worn actual underwear!" she went on. "And then I'm like...nobody needs to know if we just skip it, right?" Ashido said, voice edged with desperation. "And you know what that bitch said?"

I could only hazard a guess. "'Death is lighter than a feather, Duty is heavier than a mountain'?"

"What? No, dude," she scoffed, clearly more affronted than I could fathom. "She said she was enjoying watching me squirm and refused to let me off the hook. Like, what the fuck!?"

"Yeah, it sounds very different from my study session with Ochaco," I offered, hoping to steer the conversation more positively. The girls' differing circumstances made comparing apples to hand grenades.

"Of course it was different for you two," Ashido snapped, though her venom wasn't directed at me. "Did you know her family's like, totally loaded? Like, the Royal Family looks downright poor in comparison."

I shook my head, unruffled by matters of material wealth. "It honestly hasn't come up. I assume royalty has money, but I don't see what the big deal is."

Her eyes burned with envious yearning as she launched into a hushed tirade. "You've gotta think more about this, Midori. The Court has been accumulating power and money for over a millennium and a half. We're not just talking gold. They've been trading influence across the globe, financing European banks and dynasties."

"Don't make too big a deal of it," I cautioned, sensing where her ambition led. "Seriously."

But Ashido was undeterred, leaning in conspiratorially. "You really need to start being smarter about this. Don't you see? Just by befriending her, we could change the whole direction of our lives."

"Look, the likelihood of me living up to 30 is evidently low, despite how certain individuals might disagree. If I somehow live to reach a hundred, there's a good chance I'll be the next thing to a Power. I neither want nor need anyone's charity."

Midoriya Izuku - The Winter King (BNHA x Love of Magic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon