Chapter 8 - Evoker Class

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The early morning light pierced through my usually heavy curtains, rudely interrupting my affinity for late mornings. 

"Seriously, what kind of ungodly being possessed anyone at this school to think it's okay to have a class as early as 7 am," Grumbling, I dragged myself out of bed, the promise of a new day hardly enough to shake off the remnants of sleep.

I'm expecting everyone to still be asleep as I walk down to the common area to get some needed breakfast and have a quick shower before going to Evoker class.

As I groggily stumbled towards the door, the sound of a sword meeting the air caught my attention. Blinking away the haze of sleep, I opened the door to find Ochaco, already immersed in a focused sword practice. Her dedication clashed with my usual morning lethargy, an unexpected but compelling sight that injected a dose of energy into the reluctant start of my day.

She then turned to me and said, "Good morning, Sir Knight." 

"Good morning, Ochaco," I replied.

After having a look at my groggy state, she gave me a little sympathetic smile, and said,

"I take it you are not a morning person?" She asked.

"Not really. Waking up every day at this hour would've been torture for me. Great thing those classes only happen twice a week, otherwise, I'd go crazy," I said. "What about you? I take it waking up early is the norm for you instead?" 

"It is. I usually start my day by 5 am to have my breakfast and have it digested before I do my warm-ups and start my sword training at around 6 am. It would be bad if I become rusty during my stay on this side, after all," she said. "Before you go, would it be presumptuous to ask where you were last night?"

"It's okay, Ochaco. I went to check out the bar across the street that Aizawa-sensei mentioned. Midnight gave me a job there as a bouncer," I told her.

"A bouncer? That is certainly unorthodox. I imagine having an Evoker as one is a tad bit overkill. And did you agree?" she asked.

"Yeah, there's no reason to decline another source of income," I told her.

'Nevermind getting to the truth regarding my father and these visions,'

"That's understandable. All right, I won't keep you from your studies then," she said as she 

"No good luck kiss for me?" I said as I turned on my charming smile.

She thought for a moment before pecking me on the cheek.

"That will have to suffice, Sir Knight. If you want another one, then that will have to happen on our date," she said with a smile.

"Tomorrow afternoon?" I ask.

"That does seem like a good idea," she said as she walked through the door. 

'Hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave.'

After the brief exchange with Ochaco, the morning air still carrying the echoes of swordplay, I set out on the path to the early class. The world, slowly awakening, painted the campus in muted hues of dawn. Spotting someone unfamiliar, my curiosity piqued. A woman with dark, straight hair, shoulder-length, and a distinctive clump of short bangs framed her forehead. The half-up-half-down bun added a touch of individuality to her style. As our eyes briefly met, the mystery of her presence in this familiar place lingered in the air, a silent question unanswered in the quiet corridors of the early morning.

 As our eyes briefly met, the mystery of her presence in this familiar place lingered in the air, a silent question unanswered in the quiet corridors of the early morning

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