Chapter 31 - Cucumbers

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A/N: Contrary to what it looks like, not a lemon chapter. Also, sorry for sucking at GIMP. 😅


Back to the beginning of the day

The start of another week meant Izuku's Ceremonial Magic class was in session. He looked forward to attending alongside Ochaco once more. The previous night he had stayed at the Heights Alliance dorms for convenience - ever since his Sports Festival victory, Izuku could scarcely step outside without being mobbed by clamoring fans and pesky media vultures. Even the mere walk to The Crowley would have caused a pedestrian traffic jam, and given the frenzied crowds that had swarmed U.A. just the day before, that crush of bodies was a nightmare neither students nor faculty wished to deal with again. Word was the campus hadn't seen such hype since ALL MIGHT's heyday.

The morning sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the polished hardwood floors of the Heights Alliance dorm lobby. Izuku inhaled the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee as he descended the creaky stairs, the wood groaning beneath his weight.

Suddenly, he was enveloped in Mina's tight embrace, her lithe body pressing against his side. The pointed tip of her protruding horn gently jabbed into his ribs until he adjusted its position. "Hi, Daddy! Good morning~" Mina purred, nuzzling her rosy cheeks against him. Izuku caught a whiff of her sweet, floral shampoo scent.

"Good morning to you too, Mina," Izuku replied. A mischievous glint danced in Mina's obsidian eyes as she leaned in conspiratorially.

"We should hurry or we'll be late for class, Daddy," she murmured, her warm breath tickling his ear.

Izuku heard the melodic chiming of the grandfather clock, reminding him of the time. "I'm going to wait for Ochaco. You go on ahead."

"I think the princess already left with Momo-chan. I saw them heading out together when I was making breakfast," Mina informed him, a teasing lilt in her tone. Izuku detected the buttery aroma of the pancakes she must have cooked wafting from the kitchen.

"Yaoyorozu? Do you know why?" Izuku asked, furrowing his brow in puzzlement.

Mina shrugged evasively. "Not sure, but I think they were discussing something important." The shadows in the lobby seemed to grow longer and more ominous at her vague words.

After Yaoyorozu's disturbing visions and the Voices' cryptic message, it was clear their time limit was quickly approaching. He wished Ochaco would keep him better informed. "The Voices aren't telling you anything?"

Mina shook her head, her pink curls bouncing, as she gave him an apologetic look. "They keep saying you'll find out when the time is right."

With a heavy sigh, Izuku admitted, "I'm not a fan of all these secrets." The weight of the unknown mysteries lately was becoming an oppressive burden.

Regret flickered across Mina's elfin features. "I'm sorry, Daddy," she said in a small voice.

Izuku reached out and patted her head reassuringly, feeling the silky strands of bubblegum pink hair slip through his fingers like liquid silk. "It's not your fault if the Voices aren't telling you anything, Mina. There are just too many mysteries lately, and it's making me uneasy."

The pair made their way towards the Ceremonial Magic classroom, their shoes clacking against the polished tile floors in a staccato rhythm as they walked and chatted amicably. As they neared the door, Izuku spotted Ochaco's familiar silhouette outlined in the hallway light.

Ochaco greeted them with a warm, radiant smile that made Izuku's heart flutter. "Greetings, my dearest Knight. How are you?"

Drinking in her lovely features, Izuku replied,"Better for seeing you, as always."

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