General Info

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I believe most of you guys reading this would be far more familiar with the MHA world than LOM. Certain heroes, either because of their rank (Top 10), circumstances (like Eraserhead, Mirko, Ryukyu, etc.), or just plain old "because Rat Satan," would be aware of the magical world and some would even have their place in it. The rest of the world mostly doesn't know (of course, the gov't except for the USA already knows), and unless shit hits the fan, they'd want to keep it that way. As such, most heroes (and by association with the MHA society), would resemble that canon. The characters would be mostly the same, but some would be shaped by circumstances more than others *cough*Izuku and Ochako*cough*. 

Now, to introduce some context that may or may not have been brought up in the Info chapter:

If you're already familiar with the LOM-verse, then you can skip the remainder of this.


Spark: The connection from the soul to the Divine. It is how mages use their magic (and supernatural abilities) and determines not only the type but also their personality. A person's Spark usually also indicates the power they have in their bloodline, with Evokers being born from generations of Enchanters mixed with a God's (or a very powerful Evoker's). A mixture of a mundane (or Normie) and a God usually won't result in an Evoker child.

Spark Types:

Evoker: Rarest of the three and born from bloodlines of the most powerful, Evokers' Sparks are considered to be the closest to the Divine and to Magic itself. They are known as Monster Slayers, Dragon Slayers, and all. On top of being able to channel raw energy (and their usually absurd reserves), they have supernatural physical capabilities, regenerative powers, high resistance to the elements and poison, and complete immunity to diseases.

Though extremely powerful, this also often results in their early deaths, as they are described as reckless and would fight battles with odds heavily stacked against them. Despite there being no theoretical limit to an Evoker's lifespan, it is rare to find one older than 30, much less one older than 100 due to this tendency of theirs. 

Evoker's Oath: I am the Evoker. Fire burns before me. Death walks behind me. In the center, there's only me.

"Evokers are Swords of Mankind. Enchanters provide the steel. Sorcerers the guile. But, when things with teeth and claws come out of Elsewhere, Evokers hold the line." - Eindridi

Enchanter: Though without the Evokers' natural abilities, Enchanters can use their magic to enhance their physical abilities along with their weapons. This is the reason why they're usually trained with either the sword or the spear. On top of that, they're able to use magic circles to do most things, like creating a construct or simply overloading one to act as a bomb. They are often methodical and are tempered with patience an Evoker wouldn't usually have, planning and executing ones spanning for hundreds of years. This has led to the saying "Never leave an angry Enchanter behind you."

Healer: While lacking in Power that the other two types have, a Healer boasts outstanding magical senses. Their abilities rely less on Power and more on their knowledge and senses. Usually stay in the rear, but extremely rare Healers who specialize in healing their allies during a fight are known to appear; they are dubbed Battle Healers. These are exceptional and are commonly seen with many legendary parties in history.

A person cannot and will not have two of these at the same time. Generally, the more powerful the Spark is, the worse its senses become, though it can be corrected with experience.

Non-Power, Power, and Mantles

Non-Power: A mage who has yet to cross the threshold and what the vast majority of mages are. They are mages who are still limited to the magic their flesh can hold.

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