Chapter 27 - Sports Festival: Obstacle Race

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A/N: Hello, everyone! I'd like to ask a question for all of you before we begin. I wanna know if the First Person POV is causing issues for you guys enjoying the story. If so, I'll rewrite the chapters to Third Person POV instead. It shouldn't take too much time. Maybe a few weeks, at most. No plot changes will happen; just a change in POV and maybe cleaning up the dialogs. I'll still be releasing new chapters during it so no worries there.

I'd be happy if you guys let me know what you think. It's not too much work and I think it'll be worth it if it's negatively impacting the reading experience. I do want people to enjoy it, after all. This is a trial run for the third person POV. Anyway, onto the story!


Third Person POV

The scent of yakisoba and the excited hum of the crowd washed over her, a vibrant wave of life. Sunlight danced on the vibrant colors, catching on children's laughter and gleaming off ALL MIGHT figurines. A symphony of sounds, a spectacle of hope; a human tapestry woven for this fleeting moment.

She, cloaked in an unseen warmth that seemed to bend the very light, observed it all. Beside her walked a figure draped in shadows, hinting at an uncanny nature. A flicker of silver, a hint of fur, eyes that gleamed with an otherworldly glow; a companion from a realm of myth. This scene held a deeper resonance. Her gaze finally settled on a shock of green hair, its owner oblivious to the invisible eyes watching him. Her brother. He would never recognize her, never know the bond that transcended blood and time.

For six years, she'd kept silent vigil, her presence a shield born of warmth and an ancient light. Her companion, a creature bound by old tales and hidden power, had witnessed her quiet guardianship. Yet, something shifted, a ripple in the very air. A new energy crackled nearby, a subtle tremor that resonated deep within her. It was a presence cloaked in the guise of a burly man with red hair and beard, a figure strangely out of place amidst the throng. Yet, her senses prickled; a hint of something powerful, something otherworldly hiding beneath the facade. The Lone Rider himself in the flesh.

With this shift, a new understanding bloomed within her. Destiny was in motion, tugging on unseen threads. Her brother's path was taking shape, and a piece of the puzzle had finally clicked into place.

A strange flicker, a surge not of fear but a bittersweet kind of pride, stirred within her. She could only watch and wait, her steadfast companion a steady presence at her side. Perhaps, after the dust settled, after the trials were faced, they might finally share a cup of sake beneath the gentle glow of dawn. A silent toast, a shared bond, a secret held close to the heart of the unseen sun.

Inside 1-A Waiting Room

Momo observed the tense atmosphere of the waiting room. Mina clung to Izuku, her teasing bordering on provocation, while Ochaco's face burned with competitive fury. Izuku managed to dislodge Mina from his arm, though it resulted in the latter pouting. As sunlight caught his eyes, Momo noticed an unsettling detail: his pupils were slitted like a wild animal's.

Her Seer heritage usually offered glimpses of the future, but Izuku remained a frustrating blank. His involvement with the Pendragon Princess and Mina, both destined for remarkable yet difficult paths, made his absence even more jarring.

Todoroki approached Izuku, a mix of determination and respect hardening his gaze. "Midoriya," he said quietly. "The Battle showed me how far I have to go." He paused, a flicker of frustration crossing his features. "From now on, consider yourself my rival. I am determined to surpass you."

Izuku met Todoroki's gaze with calm resolve. "I understand, Todoroki-kun. If we're to be rivals, it means we'll push each other to be better. I welcome the challenge."

Midoriya Izuku - The Winter King (BNHA x Love of Magic)Where stories live. Discover now