Intermission 1 - Normie POV [Rewrite]

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A/N: Yes, I know the legal drinking age in Japan is 20, but for this fic, I'm changing that to 18. It's not the first time someone from 1-A drank alcohol here, despite not being fully human. 😅

Also, setting the marker for the conversion so I know which one's done. I started with this since it's the one which sticked out to me the most.


Hagakure Toru, the invisible girl of Class 1-A, sat with her friends in a bustling bar where one of their classmates, Midoriya Izuku, worked. Initially, Toru had pegged Midoriya as a brute due to his towering stature and a heated exchange with Iida during the entrance exam. However, when he had swooped in to rescue her, his chiseled arms and commanding presence left her utterly smitten. His authoritative demeanor while managing the rescue efforts, combined with a crisp citrus scent, had made her heart race with excitement.

The bar's ambiance was a blend of comforting aromas of freshly roasted coffee and oaky notes of premium whiskey. The air was filled with the harmonious sounds of clinking glasses, soft laughter, and the occasional crack of a cue ball. Exposed brick walls radiated a warm, inviting glow under vintage filament bulbs, while smooth jazz played from the speakers. Overstuffed leather booths and polished wooden tables created a cozy atmosphere, with the scarlet felt of the pool table inviting challengers.

Toru hadn't had the chance to properly thank Midoriya since the entrance exam, as he always seemed busy whenever their paths crossed. Ochaco's inadvertent displays of affection towards Midoriya didn't help matters, although she seemed oblivious to her actions.

"Isn't this bordering on stalker behavior?" Kyouka muttered skeptically.

"Don't be ridiculous, Kyouka-chan!" Mina chided, eyes tracing every ripple of Midoriya's physique from across the room. "We're just three gal pals enjoying a harmless girls' night at the bar closest to campus. It's hardly our fault the Grade-A hunk from our class happens to work here."

Toru couldn't fault Mina's logic or reaction. Even from a distance, Midoriya exuded an unshakable sense of security and trustworthiness, which was oddly reassuring.

Mina had been in a foul mood for days, but she suggested this girls' night out, which lifted her spirits. The three of them - Mina, Kyouka, and Toru - had made their way to the bustling bar. They had invited Ochaco, but she had some extra classes. Momo was missing from the dorms, and Tsuyu had returned home to help with her siblings during the break.

"She's right, Kyou-chii! Besides," Toru added, gesturing towards a group of burly, green-skinned patrons guzzling mead, "I bet plenty of guys are here hoping to catch a glimpse of Midnight-sensei serving drinks."

The clientele at the bar were indeed unconventional. One table hosted a group of diminutive folk with beaked mouths and dish-shaped indentations filled with water atop their heads. Another housed a green-skinned couple dining alongside a talking donkey.

"Meanwhile, you two are just here to ogle Midoriya," Kyouka accused, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, mou yametekudastop, Kyou-chii," Toru teased. "You act like you didn't have a nosebleed alongside Mineta-kun when we saw him shirtless during the Battle Trial."

Kyouka flushed scarlet as Mina giggled. "And let's not forget how you kept pressing your ear to his room door at night, touching yourself."

Kyouka frantically tried to salvage her dignity. "I-I wasn't! I've told you, I was just crouching awkwardly and you saw me from a weird angle! I thought I heard something suspicious, so I listened in. I'm not like you two pair of perverts!"

Midoriya Izuku - The Winter King (BNHA x Love of Magic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat