Chapter 28 - Cavalry Battle

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After things had calmed down, Izuku observed the placements of the winners. As he took first place, the one that came after him was Itsuka, which was to be expected. He had thought she would catch up to him in the final seconds, but he had managed to maintain a decent lead.

"That was a close one," Izuku said, turning to Itsuka. "You really pushed me there at the end."

Itsuka smiled. "You're just too fast for me, Izuku. But I'm not giving up yet."

Izuku talked with Itsuka for a few minutes before Ochaco emerged from the gate. Mina, surprisingly, came in 8th place. Izuku swore he had felt her draw more power from him during the race, something akin to a *Full House*. By his standards, it's barely anything, but it's still noticeable.

"Hey Mina, good run out there," Izuku said, approaching his classmate.

Mina grinned. "Thanks, Daddy! I could feel your power flowing through me."

Midnight-sensei then announced the next event would be a Cavalry battle, based on the points earned from the Obstacle Race. Izuku had earned 10 million points for his first-place finish, meaning he would be a prime target. However, the display of power he had shown may deter some from targeting him directly but the more likely scenario is that many of them would be tempted to try anyway.

"10 million points, huh? That is going to make you a big target," Ochaco said, coming up beside Izuku.

Izuku nodded. "I know. But I'm not going to let anyone take this from us."

In fact, a number of students began gathering around Izuku, wanting to team up with him. His girlfriend Ochaco approached him, saying she would be happy to join his team. Mina also eagerly joined, though this did not please Ochaco, who seemed bothered by Mina's interactions with Izuku. Though she hid it as she decided that it is not the time for it.

"Alright, you two. Let's all work together to win this," Izuku told them. Though he wondered if they should get one more person. Technically, having another one watching their backs would be ideal. His gaze caught Itsuka but saw she's already teamed up with Kinoko and a few of her classmates.

'Yeah, that'll be for the best,' he thought, giving up on the idea.

"HEY NUMBER 1!" Someone called out. Standing there, a reasonably short girl with quite a mature build. She has salmon pink hair, which is should-length. "Team up with me! I'm Hatsume Mei!"

"Why me?" Izuku asked her. "Why else? You're strong," she replied.

"I see," he said as he observes her.

"If I team up with you, then I'll inevitably become part of the team everyone's watching most, right? If that happens, then my super cute babies will inevitably be seen by the big companies. That means, in other words, that those big companies will see my babies!" she speaks in rapid fire.

"Wait a minute. You keep saying 'baby' but what do you really mean by it?" Ochaco asked from the side.

Though the girl, Hatsume, didn't seem to be listening to her and continued talking with Izuku, "And I think you guys will also benefit," she said as she brought out a box from nowhere in front of them. Within the depths of his mind, he's proud of stopping himself from hysterically asking, 'What's in the box!?'

She opens it and there are a lot of support gear in it. "I have a ton of babies, so I'm sure you'll be able to find one that you like!" she said.

Looking at the things she had, Izuku cooked up a plan that will ensure them winning. He explained the plan to his teammates, and after fifteen minutes, the event is now about to start.

The roar of the crowd was a living thing, a monstrous wave of sound that threatened to overwhelm Izuku.

"You ready for this, Izuku?" Ochaco asked, her eyes shining with determination.

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