Chapter 13 - Ceremonial Magic Part 1

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Izuku POV


"Wait, what do you mean inheriting your quirk?" I asked All Might, my voice betraying a mix of confusion and disbelief. The notion seemed unfathomable, something beyond the bounds of my understanding of quirks. "Is that even possible?" My eyes searched his face for any hint of doubt or hesitation, but all I found was unwavering resolve as if he had already made up his mind about the matter.

"YES," ALL MIGHT affirmed, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of legacy. With a sweeping gesture, he emphasized the significance of his words, as if tracing the lineage of One for All through the annals of time. "NORMALLY, IT WOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE. BUT MY QUIRK, ONE FOR ALL, IS A SACRED TORCH PASSED DOWN IN GENERATIONS TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE."

As he spoke, his hand seemed to trace an invisible thread connecting past and present, a tangible reminder of the responsibility that came with such a formidable power. "I UNDERSTAND YOU ALREADY HAVE A POWER," ALL MIGHT continued, his gaze unwavering as he met my eyes with a sense of conviction, "BUT WHAT HAPPENED AT USJ CONVINCED ME THAT NO ONE BUT YOU IS WORTHY OF HAVING IT."

His words hung in the air, each syllable laden with a gravity that echoed through the chamber. In that moment, I felt the weight of destiny pressing upon my shoulders, the mantle of heroism beckoning me forward. With a steady resolve, I met ALL MIGHT's gaze, ready to accept the challenge that lay before me and prove myself worthy of the trust he had placed in me.

As our conversation unfolded, ALL MIGHT revealed the grim truth of his deteriorating condition, the reason behind his sudden decision to pass on One for All. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, a somber reminder of the fleeting nature of heroism and the sacrifices that came with it.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for him, realizing that his time as the Symbol of Peace was slowly drawing to a close. His absence during the attack on USJ suddenly made sense – called back to Tokyo to handle an emergency, he had entrusted the class to Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen since his time for the day was up.

When I asked about Mr. Eindridi's whereabouts, ALL MIGHT's response was curt and to the point – he hadn't seen him anywhere throughout the day. The mystery surrounding Mr. Eindridi only deepened, leaving me with more questions than answers.

In the end, after much deliberation, I accepted ALL MIGHT's offer to inherit One for All. Despite the uncertainty of how the transfer would take place, I knew deep down that it was the right decision. Compared to Ceremonial Magic, the method of passing on One for All seemed far less disgusting.

The next day

'I hate Mondays,' I grumbled inwardly as I dragged myself out of bed. The sky mirrored my mood, a dreary mix of dark blue and gray, with the sun barely peeking over the horizon due to the ungodly hour. The promise of a new week felt more like a burden than an opportunity, weighing heavily on my shoulders as I trudged through the morning routine. In the not-so-far distance, I could hear the sound of air rushing, blades slicing through the air with a distinct "fwip" as they moved.

It seemed Ochaco was putting in more practice with the sword lately. After the incident at USJ, it wasn't surprising. Our teachers were injured, one severely, and if I hadn't managed to stop that monster, which was almost the case, it could have torn through our classmates like a bullet through tissue paper. The memory of that day lingered like a shadow, a constant reminder of the dangers we faced as heroes-in-training.

"I wonder what that thing was," I mused, my thoughts drifting back to the chaotic events of that fateful day. The memory of battling the creature lingered in my mind like a lingering shadow, its monstrous form etched into my memory with vivid clarity. It was fiercer than anything I'd faced before, its relentless onslaught pushing me to the brink of my abilities.

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