Iron City (S4 E6)

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I was sat in the hospital waiting room with everyone and Lip grabbed my hand as Kev said "They probably took her to District six for booking that's where they usually take you before they transfer you to County". I slowly nodded and said "Thanks for trying to help Kev, but we know unfortunately".

He then sighed and said "She's gonna need a lawyer, you got anyone you want us to call, a lawyer you want us to use". Lip was silent so he said "I used a guy on Calumet a couple of years ago for that DUI thing I had you know, he smells like dirty dish towels but if you breathe through your mouth its bearable".

A nurse then came out and said "Fiona Gallagher". Lip then stood up and said "You have Y/n and Lip Gallagher". She looked at us and said "Is Fiona here". I shook my head and said "I'm afraid not". She sighed and said "Will she be back". Lip shook his head and put his arm around me as he said "Not soon, but we're family of Liam".

She around and said "Is there another parent or legal guardian available". I shook my head and said "I'm afraid we're the closest, is Liam gonna be okay". She sighed and said "I'm sorry, I really need a responsible adult present to-". Lip stopped her and said "Look, my mom's bipolar, drug addict who split years ago, dad's a drunk and the cops just hauled Fiona off to jail okay, so we're the only thing that passes for responsible adults that you're gonna find, now how's Liam". 

She sighed and said "You're brother came in with acute cocaine toxicity, disorientated, hallucinating and with a dangerously elevated heart rate, he's on Naloxone for his altered mental status and benzodiazepine to control his seizures". Debbie looked at her and questioned "Seizures".

She nodded and said "We're monitoring his temperature, his heart rate and his glucose levels, but he has started to settle down". V sighed and said "Can we see him". She shook her head and said "I'm sorry, only immediate family members over 18 are allowed in the PICU". V patted Lip and I as she said "You two go, we'll stay with Carl and Debs".

We then followed the woman to where Liam was unconscious. I looked at her and said "Why is he tied down". She looked at us and said "He was agitated and hurting himself, its not unusual in cocaine overdose". Lip sighed and said "Is he going to be okay". 

She looked at us and said "Well its early yet, but cocaine overdoses aren't usually fatal, he did have seizures and that can lead to intellectual decline". I gulped and said "And that's brain damage right, if I'm not mistaken". 

She nodded and said "Learning and language problems, emotional and behavioural disorders, the developing of the brain is delicate, you two are gonna have to consult with a paediatric neurologist to monitor any possible long-term deficit, look this little guy is a tough guy strong, if I was a betting woman my money would be on a full recovery".

The woman left as Lip went over to Liam and said "Hey, its okay here we go". I smiled as I put my hand on Lip's arm and said "He's going to be okay now". When we left Liam's room I was leaned on a wall as Lip had his head on my shoulder, keeping himself close to me when Kev walked up to us and said "Anything new".

I sighed and said "No much except he's stable enough for now". He then said "We got Deb and Carl into bed, V is gonna stay with them and I got a hold of the cops, they're moving Fiona to Women's County, we can catch up to her over there for her arraignment, what's that". Lip looked at him and said "Its admissions paperwork". 

I sighed and said "Insurance, we have none, employer, guess what we don't have one of them, credit card number, we don't fucking have one, shock horror". Lip sighed and said "Maybe they will let us wash dishes in the cafeteria". Kev shook his head and said "No fuck that, they gotta treat him, they're not gonna kick a sick toddler to the curb".

I sighed and said "There's no way we're gonna be able to afford this". Lip nodded and said "Not gonna stop them to send a collections agency our way". Kev looked at us and said "You two are worried they're gonna fuck up your credit ratings". I sighed and said "No, its not that, we just cant afford Kev".

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