Fiona interrupted (S2 E12)

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We was all all coming back from the hospital and I was carrying a very tired Liam. V sighed and said "I'll clear the table". I nodded and said "I'll go put Liam to bed". I was then putting Liam to bed when Debbie came in and said "Y/n?". I looked at her and said "Hm Debs". She looked at me and said "You aren't going to bed yet are you".

I shook my head and said "No, net yet Debs, have a few things I need to do before that". She looked at me and said "Okay, Y/n". I guided her to the bed and sat her down pulling her against me. She started to cry as I held her and said "Its okay Debs, cry it all out". Carl then walked in and said "Fiona's busy with Jimmy, I think she's crying".

I opened my free arm and said "Come here you, its okay for you to cry too". I was now holding the two young Gallaghers in my arms when Ian leaned against the wall as I said "Do you want comfort too Ian, I have room to comfort another". He shook his head and said "No its okay, they need your comfort".

I sighed and said "Its gonna be okay guys". The next morning I woke up with Carl at one side of me and Debbie clinging up to me. I went downstairs without waking them up and Fi said "They still sleeping". I nodded and said "They got tired of crying I think and I don't blame then for crying, that was really traumatic, but yeah still asleep".

Ian then looked at Jimmy who was next to Jimmy and said "You back to being a legal resident around here Steve". Fi looked at him and said "Jimmy, he's name's Jimmy now". I nodded and said "I'm still trying to get used to that". Fi sighed and said "Steve was an alias he used to lie to me about who he really was".

Ian looked at him and said "Wow, not cool Jimmy-Steve". Jimmy looked at us and said "I changed my name, I was stealing cars, I didn't want anyone to be able to track me down if things went south". I shrugged and said "Seems like you aren't smart enough, Jimmy, any who, I best be off to the Alibi, see ya later". 

At my shift at the Alibi I was walking from the storage room and Frank said "Its cold water and sleep deprivation, makes you stand up all day with electrodes tied to your genitals". I sighed and said "You may be mistaking Cook County for Abi Grabie". Tommy looked at us and said "Abu Ghraib, did a tour with the guard, Basra".

Sally who was next to Frank and said "They don't do any of that, Frank, I was in there last year after my accidental overdose". I looked at her and said "Accidental overdose, you set yourself on fire freebasing". She looked at Frank and said "It was mostly us sitting in a circle in a group talking about how your family screwed you up".

I looked up at her and said "Monica talking about Frank? that ought to take awhile, Frank you got any cash, Moola, Green". He gave me some cash and said "I gotta get her out of there, she's the yin to my yang, she's the Scotch to my soda, we are Fred and Ginger, John and Yoko, Mickey and Minnie".

I sighed and said "More like Siegfried and Roy". Sally looked Frank then said "Adolf and Eva". I nodded and said "Yeah, quite accurate". Frank then turned to Tommy and said "Your boy still working nights at the hospital, Tommy". He nodded and said "Support services technician, yeah".

I looked at him and said "Support services, I thought he was janitor". He sighed and said "A job's a job, at least Pat has one". Frank looked at him and said "What time does Pat go to work". I came down to see Jimmy and Carl shooting air soft guns at each other as I said "What the fuck is going on in here".

Jimmy then jumped and said "I thought you said these didn't hurt". Carl shrugged and said "I lied". I nodded and said "Those bitches hurt like a mother fucker". Ian sighed and said "Carl is having an airsoft war with Jimmy". I sighed and said "They might end up putting a dent in the TV again".

Fi looked at them and said "Outside, I told you both twice already". I sighed and said "You know what, I'm off to fucking bed, I cant, maybe tomorrow will be fucking better". I was laying on what was Lip's bed and I felt the bed dip and a hand on my leg waking me up. I looked up and said "Lip? when did you turn up".

He sighed and said "Just now, I skimmed through downstairs and came up to see you, I guessed you'd be in here". I nodded and said "It comforted me in a way, felt like you was here with me in a way". He smiled and said "That's cute". I looked at him and said "Huh". He looked at me and said "During this week, you have shown me you care more than anyone".

I shrugged and said "What are you talking about". He sighed while getting on top of me and said "You've made me realise that I've been with the wrong person". I looked at him and said "Lip, you've just finished with Karen". He looked at me and said "I don't care, I need you Y/n, more than my best friend".

I nodded and said "Okay then Lip". He smiled and then leaned down to kiss me.  

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