A long way from home (S3 E7)

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When I was working at the Alibi I was serving Frank and he said "This is my last one". I sighed and said "If I had a dime for every time you told me that I'd have exactly one fucking dime". He looked at me and said "Court hearings". I sighed and said "Thought you already pissed in a fucking cup".

He looked at me and said "Spot test, anything to keep families apart, one more". I shook my head and said "I have no fucking clue what you're on about because to be honest not all of what you say sinks in". Chester looked at him and said "Amen Frank, Gestapo tried to declare me a unfit parent".

Frank looked at him and said "You brought a crack pipe to the courthouse". I sighed and said "Who in fucking hell tries to run through a crack pipe through a metal detector". Frank looked at me and said "I know the dog and pony, show up in a suit flash some AA chips, character reference they'll hand the brats over".

I looked at him and said "Nice the bar's set so high". He shrugged and said "Nothing more American than a second chance or a third or a fourth, redemption, tugs at the heartstrings, shot for the road". Chester looked at him and said "You be careful Frank, those child-stealing, liberal bastards are out for blood".

Frank looked at him and said "Broke my judicial cherry years ago Chester, they will never take my kids away from me". Later I was with Lip and Ian and I said "Hey, thought I heard the door". Fi nodded and said "They let you out of the group home". Lip nodded and said "Uh yeah, they cut us loose, dawn till dusk".

Ian then walked into the room and said "I found them, I'm going to visit Carl and Liam, he asked for M-80, a Nintendo DS and ninja throwing stars". I chuckled and said "Typical Carl". Fi then looked at him and said "Could use your help". He looked at her and said "How". She looked at us and said "I'm getting custody".

I looked at her and said "I guess that's the only way to bring everyone back home, and to make sure you don't get split up again". When we was sorted we walked in to see Jimmy and Fi as Lip said "Doing Kev's taxes every year since I was 10 is finally gonna pay off". I sighed and said "While you was doing fucking taxes, I was helping him pour fucking beer".

Ian then looked at Fi and said "You just gotta scan the W-2 and change the name". Lip sighed and said "Its so easy, its like they're daring you to commit fraud". I huffed and said "Yeah, because everyone wakes up one day and say oh yeah, lets commit fraud". Fi looked at us and said "Well, I don't wanna get Kev into trouble".

Kev then walked over to me and said "Y/n, what're you doing here, you normally only come in if you have work". I nodded and said "That's true but now I'm here because, well I'm here because I'm here". Lip then looked at Kev and said "Is it cool if we put Fiona's name on your W-2". He nodded and said "Sure, what's a W-2".

I shrugged and then turned to Fi and said "Put it this way, if he gets pinched, the feds will figure it out pretty quickly he cant do his own fucking taxes let alone fake someone else's". Lip then said "Anything else". Fi nodded and said "Yeah, I need you to get a will notarised". Ian looked at her and said "A will?".

She looked at us and said "Aunt Ginger's, good news, she died, we're getting the house". I shrugged and said "A will is no good without a death certificate". She nodded and said "Yeah, we're gonna need a body as well". Ian sighed and said "Where are you gonna get a dead body from".

Jimmy then got up and said "Sorry to bail, its my mom". Fi looked at him and said "Everything okay". He nodded and said "Yeah, divorce papers plus copious amounts of chardonnay equals expensive accidents, I'll call you later okay, oh". Later I was with Lip and Ian and Lip said "There was an old lady who lived in a shoe".

Ian sighed and said "She's 22". Lip then said "So many kids, she didn't know what to do". I shrugged and said "She's been doing the job for years". Lip looked at us and said "You guys cool with it". Ian nodded and said "Whatever it takes, you". I smiled and said "I agree". Lip chuckled and said "As long as I don't have to call her mom".

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