Frank the Plumber (S3 E9)

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We was all downstairs when Fi came down and Debbie said "You're gonna be late". She looked at us and said "I've got nothing to wear, Y/n have you got any dresses". I sighed and said "Not the kind of dress you're looking for I can tell you that, try V". She nodded and said "Maybe, but then, we do know how V dresses".

Lip sighed and said "Is your new job at a strip club and I'm not kidding". She looked at him and said "Its a temp office job, so I don't know how long the day is gonna be". I nodded and said "As you always say, you expect us to help Jimmy with dinner, get our homework done and avoid catching the house on fire".

Lip sighed and said "Its overcompensating". Ian shrugged and said "She feels guilty for turning us into latchkey kids". Carl looked at us and said "What's a latchkey kids". I shrugged and said "Erm ask me later, I might tell you". Later Lip, Ian and I was walking and Lip said "You really don't get why I have a problem with this".

I shook my head and said "No, not really". He then turned to Ian and said "Ian do you get why". He shook his head and said "Not getting in the middle". I sighed and said "Why are you in a dicky mood today, those 90 papers took me forever to fill out". Karen passed us and Mandy walked up to her and said "Walk the fuck away".

I looked at Mandy and said "What was that about". She looked at me and said "You told me Karen came back and you've got with Lip, I'm not letting her ruin you two". I nodded and said "Uh okay, thanks Mandy". She smiled and said "I'll see you later". I waved her bye as Lip turned to me and said "Y/n, I'm sorry, but I cant do college".

He walked away and I turned to Ian and said "What do you think about this, you know he's lucky I don't disagree with him otherwise he'd have some serious shit to sort, honestly sometimes I believe I was brought into this world do be Lip Gallagher's PA". Ian chuckled and said "You know what, I've been thinking the same thing".

I looked at him and said "Also Mandy told me Mickey is marrying the whore he knocked up". He turned to me and said "What?". My eyes widened and said "Erm I'm guessing he hasn't told you, shit erm, I'd say you ask him". Later I was working at the Alibi as Frank walked in and I said "Saw you on the news, about time you came out".

He sighed and said "Yeah, have your fun, just pour me a goddamn drink". I nodded and said "I don't know whether I'm surprised or really expected it, or did you want something that Rob and Monica had". Tommy looked at me and said "Don't pour the drink, we don't need his AIDS germs".

Franks turned to him and said "Screw you Tommy". A man across the room looked at Frank and said "So, you're really gay then". I shrugged and said "Apparently". Frank looked at us and said "What is gay, gay is a state of mind, its a mood". I sighed and said "If you want gay to be that, okay then".

Tommy looked at us and said "Gay is when you part the ass cheeks of a man and use your dick as a divining rod". My face screwed up as I said "Okay man, too much information". Franks shrugged and said "Well, by that definition I'm not gay". I sighed and said "Then why are you yelling at the news saying that you are".

He looked at me and said "I was trying to get insurance coverage". Tommy then said "Hey Frank, how do you fit three homos on a barstool? you turn it upside down". I sighed and sarcastically said "Ha, ha, very funny people". Frank then looked at me and said "Y/n, I leave it to you to rise above this homophobic rhetoric and offer me some recompense in the form of whiskey".

I shrugged and said "I'm pretty sure they just don't like you". He waved his arms and said "Come on, just give me a drink". I sighed and said "Looks like you've maxed out your tab". The man next to him looked at me and said "What does one gay say to another one going to vacation, can I help you pack your shit".

I sighed and said "All your dad jokes are fucking shit". Tommy then said "What's the difference between a refrigerator and a fag, the fridge doesn't fart when you pull the meat out". I once again sighed and said "When can I fucking leave". Frank then started to walk out as a man said "Don't go telling your boyfriend Frank".

I scoffed and shouted "Alright shut the fuck up before I close the fucking bar, finally some peace and fucking quiet". I walked into the Gallagher house as Lip sighed and said "I still don't think you should've applied to colleges without asking me first". I shrugged and said "I did ask you, you just kept saying, 'Oh I'll do it later, wont take me long' and never fucking did it, I put a lot of effort to pay for those to go in but I did it for you Lip because you're fucking worth it".

He sighed and said "Its nice to know that someone thinks I'm worth it". I nodded and said "You'll always be fucking worth it". He moved closer to me and said "How about I fuck you, tell you really how thankful I am for you". I smiled and said "Hm bet". We went into our bedroom and when we was finished we just laid there.

Lip looked at me and said "Did you use a Mandela speech in all the applications". I shook my head and said "No, of course not, I mixed them up a little bit used some other presidents, Ghandi". He sighed and said "I don't get why you want me to go to MIT, Boston is pretty far away".

I shrugged and said "I guess I wanted you to get the best education, maybe I'd be able to come with you but". He looked at me and said "But what". I sighed and said "You know, I've been with a couple of people, but none of them has been good to me like you have, you're way better than this neighbourhood, Lip Gallagher, you deserve to have a chance to get out of here".

He caressed my hair and said "You deserve to get out of here too, Y/n Adams". Later we was downstairs and V said "Do you know how many nerve-endings are in the foreskin". I shrugged and said "I don't know, but to be clearly honest, I don't really wanna know either". Lip looked at us and said "I don't think a guy wishes he had more nerves".

V sighed and said "What about if our son wants to be a transsexual, they will need the skin to make a vagina". I looked at her and said "No clue V, I'm not a doctor". Then Kev said "Wait, why is this even a question". V looked at him and said "The gays brought the basket Kev, look at all the gift baskets". 

I shrugged and said "I think she's suggesting its a possibility". Fi then walked in and said "What's all this". Debbie looked at her and said "Frank told the world he was gay". I nodded and said "The whole Alibi room wouldn't shut the fuck up about it". Lip then said "The gay world then responded with chocolate and cheese".

V nodded and said "And good wine". Fi gasped and said "Oh wow, Debs why didn't you go to school". She looked at her and said "Sheila was depressed, bad depressed, Monica depressed". I sighed and said "Code Pink, sorry you had to deal with that". Carl looked at us and said "Is Frank really gay".

Fi shook her head and said "No Carl, its a scam, its always some kind of scam". He looked at us and said "This scam tastes awesome". I nodded and said "One of the best kinda scams around, Carl". Fi looked at us and said "Is this dinner? where's Jimmy". I shrugged and said "Fuck only knows".

She looked at us and said "Think he's still wondering if there's any more cheese". Debbie chuckled and said "Try the mouldy one". Carl then said "I like the ones with the holes". Kev looked at him and said "Wipe your mouth after". I sighed and said "I'll come back down in a second".

I walked upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door and said "Ian, you okay in there". There was no reply so I said "Okay, I'm coming in, tough shit if your naked". I sat down on the bed and said "So, tough day with Mickey". He sighed and nodded as I said "If you want me to leave you alone, just let me know, okay?".

He shook his head and quietly said "Please stay". I nodded and said "Okay then, come on Ian, bring it in". I moved the ice pack on my lap and let Ian lay there as I rubbed his arm comforting him. He the quietly said "Thanks for staying". I nodded and said "Of course, always".   

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