I'll light a candle for you everyday (S2 E3)

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V and I walked into the Gallagher house and V said "Fi are you home". We heard Fi call back "Upstairs". We went upstairs and V said "My mom needs help down at the salon, Y/n said she'll help, so we was wonder if you're in as well". She then said "Sure". She was getting ready doing her makeup making me say "Wow, middle of the day makeup, what's the occasion".

She looked at us and said "Craig Heisner texted me back". V looked at her and said "Who?". She sighed and said "The guy from my high school diary asked if I wanted to get coffee". I looked at her and said "What coffee coffee or coffee fucking". She scoffed and said "He's married, I don't need anyone else's backwash".

V looked at her and said "So you won't be getting up on my Kev anytime soon". Fi looked at her and said "Ew, he's like my brother plus it'd be like making out with you V". I smiled and said "So what you meeting Heisner for then". She shrugged and said "To connect with a friend, curious to see how he looks".

I smirked and said "Maybe he's a total DILF". V nodded and said "And maybe you'll hook up". Fi sighed and said "Doesn't mean its gonna happen". I looked confused and said "So why would an old fucker want to meet up with his old flame or whatever". She looked at me and said "We wasn't old flames, he barely noticed me in high school".

V looked at her and said "Are you gonna try make him jealous". I nodded and said "Here's what you could've fucking had Craig Heisner". V started shaking her ass making Fi say "Does everything always have to have a ass shake when it comes to you". V looked at her and said "Well, sometimes its a boob shake".

Fi turned around and said "How do I look". I looked her up and down and said "You kinda look like V". V nodded and said "I agree Y/n, you look like me Fi". She took her dress off and said "Well, shit". I looked at V and said "I don't think she wants to look like you V". Later I was with Lip and Carl was punching Ian's stomach while he was doing pull ups.

Lip looked at Carl and said "Hey, fuckward". Carl looked at him and said "Dickhead". I looked and said "What the fuck are you two doing". He looked at me and said "Helping Ian train". Lip then said "Yo, I was at the lab talking to this Army guy from Pentagon". I looked at him and said "So you're on about a Colonel, what happened".

Lip lit a smoke handing one to me and said "I thought he'd be able to tell me more about West Point, he was a student there". Ian looked at us and said "They're called Cadets". I chuckled and said "Well did he tell you anything".  Debbie then walked past singing "I will burn for you, feel pain for you, I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart".

Lip looked at us and said "What's up with Debs". Carl looked at him and said "Obsessed with death". I nodded and said "I woke up this morning and she was sat at the side of me telling me some rather disturbing facts about death". Ian looked at us and said "That's not concerning at all".

Lip shrugged and said "Anyways, I thought this guy might be a good lead". Ian was doing sit ups and said "I don't know, took that practice trig test today, only got 73". I shrugged and said "Well, that is five points higher than last time". He stood up and said "I cheated". Carl looked at him and said "Why do you want to go into the Army".

I looked at him and said "Probably doing it so he can fight for America". Carl looked at him and said "He's gonna get shot in the butthole". Lip then looked at Carl and said "Hey you, the only reason you aren't in summer school is because they wouldn't have you". I nodded and said "Hm, they know how much of a pain in the ass you are".

Later the Gallagher's, Kev, V and I was at an all restaurant because she stole a bag. Fi looked at us and said "I thought it was a joke". I looked at her and said "Not gonna lie, I'm so glad you stole that bag". V looked at us and said "This steak is too rare". I shrugged and said "Well at least it ain't not rare enough".

Lip then looked at Fi and said "What was the final tally in the purse". Fi looked at him and said "Five hundred and twenty six bucks". My jaw dropped as I said "Fucking hell Fi could've gone shopping with that". Ian looked at us and said "Who even carries that amount of cash". Fi looked and said "Kim Furtado".

V looked at us and said "Some rich bitch". Ian looked at us and said "In our neighbourhood". I shook my head and said "No I seriously doubt that". V looked at her and said "If that LV is real can I have it". Lip nodded and said "Its real, the LV's a two stitches apart, the seams are even and stitching's yellow".

I looked at him and said "I'm surprised you know that". He looked at me and said "Well, I read a lot". I looked at him and said "Hm yeah, you 'read' a lot". Lip then looked at Fi and said "Hey Fi, you should ride the L more often". I sighed and said "Oh look, there's her phone number". Lip looked at me and said "Phone her and tell her you've found her purse and I bet she'll give a reward, voice mail leave a message".

He handed the phone to Fi and she said "Hi Kim, my names Fiona, I found your purse on the L give me a call on your cell when you get this". I looked at her and said "Well, now it looks like we didn't steal the purse and buy a whole fucking meal for like 10 people". Lip nodded and said "Don't give it back unless she gives you at least 200 bucks for it".

Lip and Carl went to stock up on chicken nuggets and Fi said "Its a good thing I met up with Craig". I nodded and said "Well, if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have had this lovely meal". V looked at her and said "But he's married". Fi looked at her and said "We're talking about the purse not him".

We was at the salon and V was telling us what Kev said about owning a bar. I sighed and said "That's a stupid fucking idea". She looked at us and said "I know that, but I couldn't tell him". Fi looked at her and said "He would suck at owning the bar". I nodded and said "Imagine Kev fucking Ball as my boss, that's wild".

V looked at us and said "He would suck organising his own underwear never mind a bar, that's why he doesn't wear clean ones". Fi looked at us and said "How much does a bar cost". V looked at her and said "Y/n will have a better idea than I do". I shrugged and said "I have no clue, but I can tell you one thing it ain't fucking cheap".

V's mom then came over and said "My girls give good head, don't they, come on Vicky honey, Louise is waiting for you". Fi then looked at us and said "I'm gonna pay that purse woman back". V looked at her and said "Why". She looked at us and said "She was nice, not rich at all, I feel bad, she had kids running around".

I sighed and said "That's a shame, I'm guessing that $500 is for rent". V looked at her and said "Just give her the next LV you find, momma should Fiona give that woman her money back or not". She looked at us and said "Well, it depends on where you wanna spend eternity, roaming with mother Theresa of Osama Bin Laden".

Fi looked at us and said "I'm giving it back". V looked at her and said "I thought you spent it all on shrimps and waffles". She looked at us and said "I have 112 left". I sighed and said "Well, looks like you need 414 dollars more, right she's done so I've gotta fly, bye guys". V's mom waved me goodbye and said "Bye Y/n honey, I'll see you later".

I walked into Debbie's room and she said "Good, he isn't dead". I looked at her and said "Okay Debs, what's this obsession with death". She looked at me and said "Nothing". I sighed and said "Come on Debs, its me, you can tell me". We sat down on her bed and she said "Well since Harry, I had no idea people I knew could die".

I looked at her and said "Debs, he was old". She nodded and said "Yeah, but that means my family is gonna die too". I looked at her and said "Well, everyone has their end in life eventually, but I'll tell you, we'll be stuck with you for at least eighty more year". She sighed and said "Then I'll be left alone".

I looked at her and said "What do you mean about that". She sighed and said "Men die first, so Lip, Ian, Carl, Liam, then Fiona and you as you're older, then I'll be left all alone". I put my hand on her shoulder bringing her into a hug and said "They're too many things that you have to worry about, and this shouldn't be one of them".

She nodded and said "I know, but I cant shut off my brain". I looked at her and and said "Think about nice things like flowers, bunnies, whatever makes you happy, can you do that". She nodded and said "I guess so". I looked at her and said "So what you thinking about now, Debs".

She looked at me and said "A puppy .. getting hit by a car". I chuckled and said "Well, I guess its a start".  

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