El Gran Cañon (S3 E1)

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After a week of sneaking kisses and secret sex with Lip, we decided to make it official, I mean getting with your best friend, who would've thought. Currently Ian Lip and I was running away from cops and Ian said "When you said you has access, I thought you meant through a door". I nodded and said "Yeah, you could've elaborated".

He sighed and said "Sorry baby, may have fudged on that one a bit". I scoffed and said "Maybe, be fucking for real Lip". The cops was still chasing us and Lip grabbed my waist and said "Come on, over here". I sighed and said "Come on people, please fucking move". One of the cops behind us then said "Kid, stop, get out of the way, stop it".

Lip then sighed and said "Jesus , whatever happened to fat, donut eating cops, now they're all triathletes". I sighed and said "They've got too much fucking time on their hands, you know not dealing with actual bad crimes and using that to fucking train". We jumped over a fence and Ian said "Tall prick looks good for another ten miles".

I panted while still running and said "This is gonna be the fucking death of me this". We was passing a car and Lip said "Ditch it out at the street yeah". Ian sighed and said "Wait, maybe they'll give up". I scoffed and said "They've been chasing us for a bit of awhile now". Ian climbed in the car as Lip said "What are you doing".

I nodded and whispered "The cops are right fucking there". We then ran through a door that lead us to a roof. We got to a ledge that cam to a drop as I said "Yeah, you're not making me jump that, it'd fucking kill me". Lip looked at me and said "I think we might have to baby". One of the cops then said "Right there, hold it".

I sighed and muttered "Fucking shit". Lip looked at Ian and said "No way West Point takes you with a felony conviction". Ian then balanced on the ledge and said "Catch you two at the courthouse later". The other cop then said "Don't be stupid". I nodded and said "Yeah, just don't kill yourself while jumping".

He smiled and then dropped down to the next roof and I said "Call Mandy, the Milkovitches gotta have a good bail-bondsman". Lip and I then surrendered to the cops but not without Lip putting on a bit of a fight. A cop was walking us through the jail and a man ran out in front of us while he said "Bullshit, bullshit, this is fucking bullshit".

I sighed and muttered "This is a fucking shit hole". The cop then took us into a room and it appeared to be the court room. The Judge looked at us and said "Phillip Ronan Gallagher and Y/n Marie Adams, breaking and entering, grand thief, Mr Gallagher assaulting two law enforcement officers".

Lip looked at him and said "Campus security, your honour, can rent a cop really be counted as law enforcement officers". He looked at us and said "Its been a couple of months". I shook my head and said "Almost a year, your honour". He looked at us and said "Turning a leaf, or just dumb luck".

Lip shrugged and said "Walking the straight and narrow, your honour, thanks the wise counsel and guidance previously provided by this court". He looked at Lip and said "Are you mocking me, Phillip". I shook my head and said "No he is not, your honour". 

Lip agreed and said "I've got nothing but respect for this court and for the rule of law it represents, the rights we derive from 900 years of fealty to the Magna Carta are then only thing standing between us and the anarchy of mob rule". 

The Judge then said "Hm, still minors, what a shame, the defendant before yous beat a co-worker to death with a nail-studded 2x4 for finishing the coffee and not starting a new pot, you two turn up into this court again as adults, I'll make sure he your cellmate, and you can have his crazy sister, how do you please".

We both said "Not guilty, your honour". He looked at us and said "Set a date for prelim, five hundred dollars bond". We then had to sign out for our release and then we walked over to Mandy and Ian. I looked at them and said "Well, hey guys". Mandy looked at us and said "Look at you two going through court together, how cute".

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