Chapter 29

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Ragnar was still in Paris but for him things are getting much worse. The injuries that he sustained when not getting any better for him in fact he was getting worse and it was getting everybody very worried about him. Because they do not know if he would live much longer or if he would die very soon.

Floki lost the trust within his wife, but that wasn't the main issue at hand. Ragnar and his oldest son came up with a plan to finally get into Paris, the only thing was that  neither of them told anyone about their plan.

And their plan was saying that Ragnar was dead, and that he wanted to be buried in the Christian way. Everybody was allowed and to say their peace, to give words to Ragnar.

When it was Floki's turn he spoke the truth of what he did to Athelstan. But for Ragnar he already had his suspicions on what fluke he did, but however that didn't matter at this time the only thing that mattered was getting inside of Paris.

Ragnar's body was taken inside of the city where he would go straight to the church where the emperor and his daughter stood. But things changed quite quickly when Ragnar jumped out of his coffin scaring everybody to death.

He was going to kill the emperor but the princess came to stop it but as a result of that it gave Ragnar a perfect Shield to use so he could get to the bridge. They were able to Cut the Ropes so the bridge would stay open, it gave enough time for all of the Warriors to enter inside the city and Sack Paris.

For the emperor he was fundamentally lost, he didn't know what else to do for his City nor for his people he has never had this happen before, he was a quite sure what to do to make sure that attacks stop.

Back at the camp the others started to express their anger towards bjorn because they were not told about the plan. That would always leave a distrust between all of them for a while.

But that didn't matter at the moment because half of them are going to go home while the others stayed in Paris. Rollo decided to stay in Paris with a good amount of warriors to stay by his side while Ragnar and the others went home.

Inside of the castle of the emperor, he started to have a conversation with his daughter. Where he placed his daughter's hand in marriage to one of the north men but not just anyone the emperor places out of hand in marriage with Rollo.

Of course the princess said no in the matter but she has no other choice because the deal has already been done. The emperor sent a soldier to Rollo to tell him everything that he would get when he marries the princess.

That is when he realized what the Seer told him a while back, he finally has his destiny, something that will be his and no one else's. He's going to do everything this power to make sure that he holds on to his destiny to keep it. No matter what.

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