Chapter three

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       In the open ocean Ragnar was very pleased with himself that he was able to find the West. Back home Bjorn was attending to some fish until someone called his name.

      Lagertha came out of the house where she saw her son and Sven, she walked over to grab an ax and stand by her son. She answered his question about Ragnar, saying that he went fishing.

      The boat was able to reach home many monks did not survive the journey. Once they got to the dog many people praised Ragnar for going to the West. But all of the joy came to an end when the Earl called Ragnar to the Great Hall.

       For the Earl and his wife had never seen such riches in one sitting but also to be proven wrong. Ragnar explained everything to the Earl about their Journey and what they saw.

     The Earl took it upon himself to take all of the treasure that Ragnar and his men found but his wife Siggy spoke with her eyes making the Earl changes his mind somewhat where he allowed the crew of the boat where they could take one piece of the treasures. For Ragnar, he chose to take the Monk making everybody that was inside of the Great Hall laugh about his choice.

      Leaving Kattagat Ragnar returned back to his home where he greeted his daughter first and then his son came out running to him. Soon enough Lagertha came to greet her husband, after the greeting Ragnar showed his family the Monk.

       Athelstan was sitting in the corner of the home praying until he was interrupted by Ragnar and lagertha where they wanted him to join them in bed. Later that night Ragnar and Athelstan were drinking together but in truth Ragnar was trying to know more about England.

       When he was able to find out more information about England and how many kingdoms there was Ragnar made his way to Kattagat. He was going to go to the Earl to ask for permission to go to the West again making Athelstan very fearful on what he had told Ragnar.

        For the Earl he agreed to let Ragnar go to the West again. Ragnar told his wife that the Earl granted him permission to go to the West and this time he wants her to go with him.

      They were going to leave their children with the Monk, but including the farm. All we're ready to go again to the West everyone was very excited to go back to the West. So that they could see more of the West that has to offer.

       And that is what they did, all of them were able to get to the west but most importantly they were able to get back to northumbria, on the beaches where they were stopped by some guards.

       Ragnar didn't know much language ending up finding all of the guards and killing them except for one. He was able to escape from Ragnar and his team where he went to the king of northumbria to tell him what happened.

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