Chapter 38

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Prince Athelwulf and Prince Alfred were able to reach Rome. And that they were able to meet the Pope, and see priceless pieces that nobody has ever seen before.

But the most important part of it all was when the Pope and Prince Athelwulf talked about the attacks of England and now Paris.

Back at the camp site Lagertha had given birth again. Her scream was heard through the whole camp, Ragnar and Bjorn came running to see if she was okay. She was able to give birth to her last child, another boy.

Kalf was outside of the tent of Lagertha as he waited. He was so pleased when he found out that he had a son, in Rome Alfred was being knighted by the Pope as King Egbert was also being crowned the king of Mercia and Wessex.

Much to King Aelle's dismay, and hurt. A huge feast was placed inside of the court yard of the royal villa, king Egbert had a smile upon his face like nothing can take it away from him on his day.

After so much of going through the woods with their ships they were able to reach a new body of water. Everybody cheered because of what they found and that they were ready for another round to attack Paris.

Ragnar stood looking at the Marble City and the others soon enough joined him, Yidu stood as well but she stayed close to the boys. In Kattagat Gyda had full control of all of her siblings and her niece that stayed behind because Aslaug was definitely not herself.

She was not looking after her children like she should. The only one she care about was Ivar, she lost any attention she had for her children except Ivar. And that alone would cause extreme hate towards their mother.

With the ships newly remade everybody was ready for the attack once again for Paris. Everyone left the camp getting inside the ships making her way to the beautiful city but also at the same time the French soldiers were ready.

King Sigefrid along with his brother got on their ship ready for what will happen, Sigefrid kissed his wife, Annora before he left. But he also left a few men behind to keep her and their daughter safe until they come back. It was going to be a brutal battle between everybody.

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