Chapter 24

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When everyone went back to Kattagat, Lagertha stayed in Wessex because she with child. For Lagertha staying in Wessex was very different for her but she enjoyed it very much.

Lagertha was able to give birth to a daughter inside of the royal villa. King Egbert was stunned to see his daughter. To even have an daughter. King Egbert took it upon himself to name the child, his daughter Acca. And the baby would be raised inside the royal villa. That Judith would help out anyway she could.

Lagertha stayed for a few days after the birth before she decided to leave. Her life was not in Wessex as a noble lady, she is a warrior.

Lagertha was in one of the boats that Kalf was in and and Ragnar was in another speaking to Aethstan. As of Aslaug she was very grateful that she went to the West and now she was extremely happy to see her children once again.

Inside of the boat that Ragnar was in, he was listening to everything that Athelstan was saying about Paris. When the boats docked all were welcomed by the people of the town.

Gyda stood with her siblings as they waited for their parents. And that is when Gyda decided to tell her parents what happened with Ubbe and Hvitserk. But all was good and okay, Lagertha and Aslaug went to see Porunn.

Inside of the great hall helga told Floki everything that happened in the town even the wanderer. Lagertha took a look around the place of Kattagat and she knew in the moment that she can not stay there anymore. She knew that she needed to leave.

In Wessex Judith was acting sort of strange and it worried her husband Aethelwulf. So Aethelwulf confronted his wife, to truly see what was wrong with her because he was afraid about her health. But for Judith she played her part very well on making sure that her husband will believe that the next child will be his.

She assured her husband had she wasn't ill, she took Aethelwulf's hand into her own and placed it on her stomach. For Aethelwulf his heart stop for a moment and then he was filled with joy because another baby was coming and for him he truly believed that was his.

There was no doubt about it on his part, both of them embraced each other ready for the new addition to their family. The news of it went traveled far about the new baby that will be coming and every was happy. But that old ended quickly because of the settlement that was inside Wessex, that North men were causing trouble.

Aethelwulf and his father made a plan together to get rid of the settlement and the other Lords that questioned King Egbert's rule. Inside the great Ragnar called everybody inside of the town to tell them about the next raid, to a place that nobody has ever been before.

And that place is called Paris, everybody was so enthralled to the words that Ragnar was speaking. Earl Kalf formally asked Lagertha to he his wife, and to stay by his side when she came to him after she left Kattagat.

Lagertha agreed to the offer. And both of them would join Ragnar in raids to Paris. Rollo was at a All Time Low, for him he truly felt like nothing was working for him.

His little brother was getting everything and he was not, for him could not understand what the future will hold for him. So he went to go see the seer to get some answers, and the Seer was able to provide the answers that Rollo wanted. 

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