Chapter 15

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It was a beautiful day in Kattagat, King Horik came to Kattagat to speak with Ragnar.

Ragnar was sitting with his family as they ate and as they listened to King Horik. For Ragnar he thought about Athelstan, Ragnar definitely had some type of fear that his best friend Athelstan was dead.

After they all stopped eating Ragnar had something for his brother, he gave his brother an order. And that order was to bring him back Jarl Borg to Kattagat and mainly not to betray him again.

And of course Rolo took the order and he was going to make sure that it gets completed through. He boarded a ship ready to set sail to go bring Jarl Borg back to Kattagat.

In Kattagat Aslaug and Lagertha were together going through the market, as for Bjorn he saw someone that caught his eye. Lagertha along with Gyda and Runa went into the great hall as Aslaug went to Ragnar.

She wanted to speak to him about what he was going to do with Jarl Borg. Rollo was able to get to Jarl Borg earldom, where both of them started to speak to each other. In the background Jarl Borg's wife, Torvi came to the room.

There was no doubt that Jarl Borg was slightly losing his mind because he was holding on to his first dead wife's skull as he spoke to her skull as he looked at Rollo.

In Wessex Athelstan once again painting as he did before the north men took him from northumbria. But not only that him and the king of Wessex has struck up a friendship between each other.

The king Egbert was completely drawn to Athelstan, and Egbert wanted to know more about the North men, to have more of a better understanding on how they work and think.

In Kattagat Bjorn could not get over the slave girl that captured his heart, that he was so intrigued by her. Rollo was able to prevail on what Ragnar wanted, Rolo was able to bring Jarl Borg back to Kattagat. Jarl Borg bought his wife as well to Kattagat.

Inside of the Great Hall Ragnar was sitting down with Jarl Borg as they talked. For him, Jarl Borg fell for the Trap that Ragnar set up. Everybody was enjoying themselves in Great Hall, Lagertha and Aslaug were together with the children.

Soon enough the whole feast ended and everybody went back to their houses so sleep can take them before King Horik he watched Ragnar. For him he felt like Ragnar  was up to something and he was right.

Ragnar's men we're getting ready to take out all of the men that Jarl Borg brought with him, they were ready to kill them. Jarl Borg had a feeling that he was going to be attacked so he woke him up grabbing his weapons standing looking at the door waiting for it to open up.

And once it did he was overpowered by the many men that came in there, they wasted no time on beating him up. One of the men made their way over to Torvi to kill her but Rolo stopped it.

After the beating Jarl Borg was taken to Ragnar, King Horik and his son heard all of the commotion so they want to go see what was happening, what exactly was going on. Ragnar stepped out where he answered king Horik. Lagertha and Aslaug came out as well with some of their children standing by their sides.

For Ragnar as he told the king he can never forgive Jarl Borg for what he did to his family. And Ragnar was going to kill him, what he was going to carve a blood eagle in his back.

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