Chapter Eight

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       In Kattagat Aethstan walked to the Great Hall where he saw Renner holding his young son, which Lagertha gave her young son the name Halldor. Ragnar saw Aethstan enter inside and he put down his son making his way over to Aethstan.

      Ragnar started to explain about that they go to a place every nine years and that place is called Uppsala, so that they can give the gods thanks to everything that is provided to them.

      And Ragnar wants Aethstan to come with them, and of course he agreed to come along with them. Once outside Lagertha with her older children were taking the offers from the people of Kattagat.

        Ragnar has the happiness that he was seeking that was within him, he was ready to get to Uppsala to tell his things to the Gods. All of them were able to see the statues of every God, Lagertha went to the gods to save her thanks for giving her another child.

     Everyone was enjoying their time at uppsala, all drank good ale and ate mushrooms having a good time. But things took a turn when Athelstan found out that he was going to be a part of the sacrifice. But he was not because he was found out by the priests of uppsala that he still believed in his God.

       So the priests of Uppsala looked at everybody and ask them who would be willing to sacrifice themselves. And someone did, someone to came forward to be willing to sacrifice and that person was Leif. And soon enough all left Uppsala returning home.

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