Chapter Four

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      Ragnar the others are in northumbria, a town called Hexam. For all of them are able to see a great town just full of riches ready for the taking. Rollo wants to attack straight away but Ragnar says no.

      Where he made the plan that they were all attack tomorrow because tomorrow will be Sunday. King Aelle was talking with some of his men about the strangers entering into his kingdom, where he had this worrying  fear about these unknown people.

      Also Aelle found out about the attack of the church at Lindisfarne. Aelle was shocked by the information that he had gotten about the attack but he was going to destroy the northmen that entered instead of his kingdom illegally.

      Ragnar and the others it got themselves ready to attack in town. They took all of the gold and silver that the town had to offer with no trouble at all. But for Knut, he was found by Lagertha.

      Where she saw that he was hurting a Saxon woman so she took it upon herself to fight him to save the Saxon woman. But she ended up killing him, as they had all the treasures they were going to go back to the ship but Ragnar was looking for Knut.

    Lagertha told that she killed him for what he did, Ragnar blamed his brother for not watching Lagertha. With the treasures in hand they made their way back to their boat but only to be stopped by guards. Ragnar and the other is ready themselves to fight.

        Without any issues Ragnar and the others were able to destroy the guards, King Aelle was very angry that's his own men were defeated. And he wanted answers fast and he was able to find out one name and that name was Ragnar.

      Back at home in Kattagat Athelstan and Gyda we're working on the farm but also getting to know each other better. Soon enough right now in the others were able to reach back to Kattagat only to be stopped by the Earl when he was asking for knut, Ragnar spoke up say that he killed knut.

       The Earl ordered Ragnar's arrest for the murder of Knut even though that Lagertha tell the truth. The Earl try to get Ragnar's brother to turn against him by giving him his own daughter.

      But Rollo did not turn against his own brother for the sake of Lagertha. Later after Ragnar was freed by the Earl all of them were enjoying the time together. Ragnar was very grateful for Athelstan that he looked after the children.

       All of the good came to an end when they were attacked by Earl Haraldson men. After the attack Ragnar was able to find another friend dead, he was growing more angry everyday.

      In the morning Ragnar left his house going to the woods where the Earl went to the seer to see his future, where the Seer gave him half answers. For Ragnar he was ready for a fight with Earl.

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