Chapter 30

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Ragnar fears that he is locked out of Valhalla, making him very afraid of what his future might hold. Inside of the Great Hall all the sons of Ragnar we're playing together as the daughters stayed together.

Bjorn walks in to see his brothers which they run to him jumping up into his arms. Floki came to see Ragnar but also to give him some healing runes. Bjorn and Aslaug sat down together, bjorn wanted to know why Porunn left. But for Bjorn he did not care for his own daughter, Aslaug gave Bjorn a glare but told him that they will care for her.

After the intense conversation between both of them Treasures from Paris came inside of the great hall and Aslaug was truly stunned see all of the treasure that was presented in front of her.

But things got much worse when Bjorn took a certain matter into his hands and that matter was that he ordered the arrest of Floki on the law rock. Because of the murder of Athelstan.

Lagertha and Kalf were leaving Kattagat to head back to hedeby as he told her son Bjorn. Once back in Hedeby Kalf decided that he was going to share his earldom with Lagertha.

Because she agreed to marry him, but as a result many people we're not happy about that. In Kattagat Floki was chained in the middle of the town as kids were throwing things at him, Helga was trying her best to protect her husband against the children. But Bjorn scared the children away.

A new batch of slaves came to Kattagat, Aslaug went to go see the new slaves. Where she came across one that she like but she had her own motives behind it. Ragnar eventually woke up where his son Ubbe was there.

And Ragnar told his son to go tell Aslaug and she told her son Ubbe to tell everyone that he is alive. In the middle of the town Floki was still chain but his daughter came up to him to give him some food and that was a beautiful surprise for him.

Inside of the great hall everybody was enjoying a good time with food and drink and Ragnar came walking through where everybody cheered. But the peace and the joy meant would turn very sour. Because Ragnar was not very pleased with his oldest son on what he did to Floki.

In Paris things were taking a better turn, the emperors daughter was going to get married to Rollo. She tried everything in her might to stop the wedding but in the end she was walking down the aisle. Rollo was going to get everything that he ever wanted and even more.

The only thing that he has to do is try with his wife. In Hedeby there's some issues going on with Earl Kalf and Lagertha. Many people did not want Earl Kalf to share the Earldom with Lagertha so they took a vote on what they should do with Lagertha.

Many of them voted against Lagertha but Earl Kalf had another plan in mind to make sure that nobody else questions him. He ended up having the ones that voted against him and Lagertha to be killed. Sitting outside Ragnar saw the slave girl that looked completely different from everybody that he has ever seen before.

Ragnar was definitely intrigued by the girl he could not help but think. Conflict and tensions we're growing between Ragnar and Floki, but in Paris Rollo was getting an education on how things are done in the Kingdom.

Where Rollo even took it upon himself to make sure that the emperor and the princess could see how serious he is, to make things work. To show his dedication that he needs to stay with them and never turn his ways. So he ended up killing all of the northmen that were in the camps in Paris. Forever severing the ties.

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