Chapter 40

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After Ragnar came back to Kattagat and greeted by his children, they all took a moment to themselves in the woods. All of his sons went into the woods where Ragnar wanted to speak to all of them about something.

And that was going back to England but he also wanted to see if any of his sons will go with him but all of them said no. Everyone left Ragnar in the woods when he was alone with his thoughts and where he went wrong.

Inside of the Great Hall everyone was sitting down enjoying some food as a family, but things are about to grow with extreme tension among the siblings.

Time went on for Lagertha, she make sure that her last one was raised right, because when she is gone her son will get the lands of Hedeby because he will be the Earl.

Lagertha and Kalf have stayed married for quite a while now and between them both their love never died. For Lagertha she's extremely happy to have someone that was there for her no matter what and never failed her like the others did.

Ragnar waste of no time to go find Floki and he found Helga we're both of them greeted one another after so long part. Ragnar's daughter, Sigrid was welcomed by her half sisters with no issue.

Sigrid was quite relieved that she was accepted, she did fear that she won't be accepted but however she was a part of a great family now.

Ragnar and Floki talked it out about their past mistakes and the regrets and they were able to make up with one another. Meanwhile inside the woods all of the Sons of Ragnar were training together.

But it got out of hand between Ivar and Sigurd. Ragnar move his way out of Kattagat to got see Lagertha. And he saw her her last child healthy and strong. It definitely made him think on what could have been if they never left the farm.

Both of them discussed certain matters that they needed to discuss, fix their past and to heal the wounds that were created between them both over the years.

Ragnar also thought it would be good idea to take Lagertha with him to England but she refused to do that. Both of them kiss each other goodbye and that would be the last time Lagertha would see Ragnar. Ragnar so incredibly alone inside of the city and that nobody including his own children did not want to go with him to England.

It was night that he made his way inside of the Great Hall where he saw his son Ivar sitting on one of the thrones. Soon enough both of them started to talk to one another about the past and how much Ivar hated him. Ragnar decided to bring Ivar to England. And that will cause a wave of never-ending Wars and battles between the Saxons and the northmen.

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