Chapter 23

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Gyda was inside of the Great Hall with her younger siblings, for her she was trying to figure out what she should do about the Unknown man that was in the town, she knows that she needs to stay on guard until he leaves.

Everybody of Ragnar's group was resting after the battle they had until they return back to the villa. Ragnar and princess Kwenthrith started to get to know one another after the princess peed on Ragnar for his wound that he got.

Everybody reached their boats putting all their belongings before taking their seats, Lagertha was getting dressed. She was able to spend some time with King Egbert. That is where she was able to tell him most important news, she told Egbert that she was with child.

For him it was the other shock to hear the news of that, he really thought that him being a father again to a newborn child was that with a picture. But for him he knew that the child that is inside of Lagertha is his.

He knew right there in that moment that Lagertha needs to stay for the sake of the child. Meanwhile well that was happening Judith was having some time to herself with Athelstan.

Inside of the main rooms of the Royal Villa Aethelwulf walk inside but he was welcomed by his father and his father-in-law. Soon after him princess Kwenthrith came with her brother.

Ragnar came in last where him and King Egbert exchanged some words. Lagertha saw that Ragnar was wounded, bjorn found his mother to tell her about Porunn. The news of it was distressing but lagertha knew that she will okay.

In Kattagat things were getting more Stranger by the second, inside of the great hall Gyda turned her back for a moment, her brother Ubbe and Hvitserk were gone. Gyda was able to find her brothers,  Ubbe and Hvitserk came to a frozen lake.

Gyda called out to her brothers to not to move and they listened to their older sister, she made her way on the ice to get to them but she heard it crack. And the blink of an eye both of the brothers fell through the ice, gyda ran to her brothers to save them.

She jumped into the water when she was able to find them and she pulled them out before she got out herself. Both of the boys and Gyda we're fine just very cold.

Lagertha decided to stay in England at least until the baby is born, everybody was having a good time in the side of the Royal Villa. Ragnar was able to figure out that Athelstan was having a thing with Judith.

But for Athelstan he really didn't feel like he belonged inside Wessex, to him he felt like he belonged with Ragnar so he made up his mind on where he should go.

He told king Egbert that he'll be going back with Ragnar and that's very much pissed off king Egbert. At the ending of the great feast only a few people remained and that is when princess Kwenthrith executed her plan.

And that was poisoning the wine where she was deemed successful on killing her brother, so planting herself as Queen of Mercia.

Everyone went to sleep that night but for Judith she had other plans in her mind that she needed to do. For her she knows that she cheated on her husband and it was good possibility that she was pregnant with Athelstan's child.

So to make herself not so suspicious she knows that she needs to lay their husband at least a few times to make everyone believe that the child is her husband's.

And that's what she did for the next couple of days Judith laid with her husband and she became the dutiful wife as everybody expects.

In Kattagat Gyda had all of her siblings further inside of the great hall to keep them safe, for her she was waiting for the Wanderer to leave and to never return because not only her but also her brothers could have died in that frozen lake if she was not quick enough.

And The Wanderer left after great warning he got from Gyda. Helga left Great Hall to see The Wanderer leave but what confused her was that he left but he was missed.

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