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780 AD. 

    A group of Vikings have found England before Ragnar. They landed in Wessex. And no one knew about the viking arrival.

      One of the men of the group is a king. King Hakon was able to keep it as a Secret of new land but he told his sons about lands to the west.  Where his oldest son would get his kingdom, becoming king of Sweden. Also having his brother by his side, Erik. Both of them are warriors and Sigefrid is an excellent ruler.

     As time went on everything settled, Sigefrid became the king at a youngish age but he was able to pull it off. He made his father's kingdom bigger and better than ever before. It made things easier having his brother by his side. But as Sigefrid got older he felt something was missing and he knew what it was. His Queen.

      He went to the temple to pray to Odin and the other gods to seek answers and he was able to get the answers he asked for. Odin showed him the woman that is supposed to be with him, to be his Queen that will give many children.

     He was able to see her face and where she was at. Knowing that she was in England, he knew that he had to get her but he did not want to spill the Secret with his men but he knew that he had to in the end.

    He ordered ships to be done so that they could be ready for anything. The year was now 790, Sigefrid was ready to head to England to find his bride. With his brother and few other men ready a ship to set sail to England, inside of the ship Sigefrid looked at his brother Erik on what they have to do when they reach England.

      It took time and many days to reach England but they were able to get to England. Once they did, Sigefrid along with his brother and their men stepped on the lands of England, Wessex of all places.

    And once again they were able to stay unnoticed by anyone, they hid their boat. They went from village to village looking for the one woman, Sigefrid was able to keep his men in line as they went through the villages.

      Sigefrid came to a stop when he saw her, he saw his Queen. Sigefrid and his brother Erik went to get her from her village. Taking her without any issues, and without any knowing. Getting back to their boat Sigefrid pulled his bride down giving a look to his brother.

     With a quickness he and his brother killed the others that came with them and they dug a grave for them. Covered the grave up, Sigefrid went to his bride seeing that she was shaking and crying from what she just saw and what would happen to her.

      He wiped her tears from her face as he looked at her face, taking her again in his arms as he moved to the ship. Once in the ship the brothers with the woman were going to return back to their home. Where everything was going to change. 

     “Don't be afraid, I will not harm you. You will be my Queen, my wife. I am king Sigefrid and what is your name?”

     There was a pause between them both “ Annora” 

     Sigefrid smiled when she said her name. He came closer to her, taking her hands into his own. To him her hands were smaller compared to him.

     When they reached their home Annora was very confused about what she was seeing. To her she never saw anything like this, she has always been in Wessex.

     To find out there were other places in the world.  They got out of the ship where the people saw their king, Sigefrid walked first and Erik made sure that Annora followed Sigefrid. Entering inside their long hall where Annora saw a thrones in the center of the room.

     Sigefrid came to Annora taking her hand into his as he moved to the thrones. Sigefrid addressed his people about the crew they lost but he spoke about Annora as well. That she became a part of their king's dream. The people became overjoyed that the king found his Queen. They all looked forward for the future. 

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