Chapter 35

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In hedeby Lagertha was standing outside having a moment to herself, then Torvi's son came up to her. Lagertha embraced the small child and they went back inside together.

In Kattagat Ragnar called his sons Ubbe and Hvitserk to get their arm rings but also he was taking them with him to Paris. Aslaug was not pleased with that at all.

In wessex, King Egbert called for all of the Nobles to join in the main Chambers to discuss certain matters that we're dealing with Mercia. His son, Prince Athelwulf stood next to his wife Judith along with their children. And Kwenthrith stood close to them as well with her child.

After they matters were briefly discussed about Mercia King Egbert thought of the best to move on to the next topic.

And that topic was making Alfred go on a pilgrimage, for him he saw it to be right because he was the second son with a prince soon enough a king. Inside the mind of King Egbert, he could see Alfred becoming pope.

So King Egbert ordered the pilgrimage to begin for the small child much to prince Athelwulf and Judith shock. Back in Kattagat everybody got themselves ready for the journey back to Paris, Ragnar was in his boat with his two younger sons more than ready to leave Kattagat but also he had bought Yidu with him.

Floki went with King Harald Finehair, and helga as well. The journey would be long for everybody especially for Ubbe and Hvitserk. But they had Yidu, she helped them stay calm and it helped them very much during the night.

Back in Kattagat Aslaug was left to rule but she was not alone, Gyda was a huge help when it came to Ivar. Sigurd was feeling no love from his mother at all, aslaug's time was all for Ivar but he was glad to have an older sister. Gyda could see it as well but she did not confront it at all.

Gyda took Sigurd and her niece Siggy out to play. More trouble was ahead of everyone, the ships got blown off course. In Wessex Judith had to say goodbye to her son Alfred for the time being, Athelwulf went to his wife to give her comfort. For him he did not want to leave his wife nor his other children but he had to do that.

Ragnar and the others were able to reach Paris, they entered so very quietly without anybody knowing and they were able to find some soldiers of Paris and held them as hostages, at least the ones I didn't kill.

They took one Soldier and tied him to a piece of wood and they pushed him into the sea so that he could help the other ships that were lost to find their way. Everybody was setting up camp for the meantime but something caught their attention so they went to go check it out.

They were able to see that there were signal fires throughout where they could see in the fields, where it's told everybody about the arrival. King Sigefrid looked at his brother then Sigefrid moved to wife kissing her forehead before away from her.

Sigefrid's brother, Erik followed after his brother. Annora looked at the fires before leaving herself, her ladies followed after her. Ragnar foud Lagertha readying her weapons, he sat down right next to her trying to find the right word to say.

For him he would have gonna believe that she was pregnant again but he was also happy but also sad at the same time. Inside of his heart he still has love for her but she doesn't not as much as before, and for him he was trying to understand why she was there in Paris where she was pregnant and not back home where she could be safe.

But in the end in a brief conversation that they had Lagertha turned him away and he went to find Yidu. Both of them embraced each other as they waited for the others to come.

The emperor of Paris feared that the north men would come back, but he also made a pleading offer to Rollo. He begged Rollo not to return back to his brother, to stay with them, to fight them.

And Rollo promised that he will abandon them. Everybody was in their ships making their way to the water until Ragnar saw someone within the fields.

And that someone was his brother, Ragnar felt so betrayed on what he was seeing, he kicked Bjorn waking him up where Bjorn felt betrayal as well. And pretty soon everyone else felt the Betrayal.

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