Chapter 34

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Lagertha and Kalf have grown quite fond of each other, so much that they divided everything up about the earldom. Where both of them ruled together, both of them were practicing with their people for the upcoming raid.

But things were taking place without Lagertha's knowledge. How kalf was trying to kill Bjorn, Lagertha saw Kalf speaking with someone that she thought it'd be a good idea for her to go see what it was about. But of course kalf covered it up, this is when Lagertha brought up to him that she is with child.

The news of it was quite extraordinary for him, he was so happy that he was going to be a father and for him he just knew that he and Lagertha Belong Together. He made an offer that both of them get married, that there's no other woman for him now. And Lagertha agreed to it.

In Kattagat Ragnar and Bjorn did not trust King Harald, they were not too sure of him. In Wessex, King Egbert with his son and his allies were discussing the next moves that they can do on getting the kingdom of Mercia into the fold.

To address the extreme issue of the ruling Council and put Queen Kwenthrith back on the throne. Later that night after everything was done and the people inside of the villa we're getting ready for bed Judith thought it would be a good idea to discuss something with her husband.

She brought up to her husband, Prince Athelwulf that she was pregnant again. Athelwulf could not believe his ears on what his wife was saying, of course it was very good news and it was very pleased to be a father again. To have a small baby placed in his arms once again it was really great news to hear.

With a smile on his face he went over to his wife kissing her forehead and bringing her into embrace. Both of them got into the bed together ready for sleep and to see what the next day will bring for both of them.

In Paris Rollo and his wife were absolutely in love with each other but also she was giving him good pointers on how to work in the court of politics.

Both of them together were incredibly determined, Rollo knows that his brother will return to Paris to raid it but he'll be ready even if he has to fight his brother he will protect Paris with everything that he has. The bond between Ragnar and Yidu was growing very deeply between them both. Where their union will birth a new child but cause trouble within the family.

In Wessex, king Egbert was finally making his plans of taking Mercia for his own cause and his own reasons without anybody knowing about it. A fleet of ships came to Kattagat and one of the ships that came was King Harald's brother.

New people came to Kattagat, another king. The king Sigefrid of Sweden along with his brother but Sigefrid took his wife with him along others.

They heard about the upcoming raid of Paris once again and they want to be part of it. Also they wanted to see the man himself, Ragnar but they had a feeling that they will be disappointed in the end.

Night fell and everybody was inside of the Great Hall enjoying themselves with food and drink, everyone waited for Ragnar to arrive but he will not show up instead he was on top of a roof with Yidu.

Inside of the Great Hall everybody stopped speaking and or moving because Floki and Helga showed up. It definitely got the attention of King Harald and his brother.

For King Sigefrid and his brother took around Kattagat and for them they're very pleased to see what was around them but they definitely couldn't call it home. The only thing that mattered to them is going to Paris seeing what was beyond but also understanding.

The teachings the Floki was giving to Ivar would have dire consequences in the end, where it will make him one of the vicious Vikings to everybody on this planet. In hedeby Lagertha was getting ready for her wedding to Kalf, she was ready. For her she felt like she actually found her happiness now and she was looking forward to her future with Kalf.

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