Chapter 11

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     Four years later had passed by in Kattagat and Aslaug had given birth to many children in those years but she's also pregnant once again.

      Aslaug and her son Ubbe walked together heading into the Great Hall to get out of the snow. Everyone was together, Bjorn and Gyda were by the fire as Lagertha was talking to Ragnar as Halldor stood close to them.

      The front doors opened up showing Floki and Helga coming into the Great Hall going straight to the fire. Ragnar comes up behind Floki holding ubbe in his arms, Floki started to talk about the ships that were done.

       Ragnar went to stand on the level of the Great Hall to speak with his people, Aslaug and Lagertha including the children stood there as well.

      Once Ragnar spoke to his people about the plans to the West the feast started, Ragnar's family was happy and all of them were together.

     But Ragnar messed up when he started to flirt with a slave girl, Aslaug and Lagertha caught it and they were not pleased by it. Later all three of them moved into the bedroom where Lagertha and Aslaug confronted Ragnar about what he was doing.

       Aslaug looked at Lagertha before looking at Ragnar and spoke her prophecy. She said it because she feels that right in our treats her like an idiot, the prophecy was that the next baby will be another boy and he will have the serpent that her father killed would be in the baby's eye.

       After the prophecy Aslaug and Lagertha went to bed leaving Ragnar slightly confused. For Rollo he was alone. He lost Siggy and his place in Kattagat. But after he stopped drinking he got himself together to go see his brother to ask him about the raids, and if he was able to go.

       Ragnar of course it said no to his brother, really was crushed but he understood why Ragnar did that. In the morning many people were practicing on the shores of Kattagat. Ragnar was with Athelstan helping him practice with the sword. Later king Horik came to Kattagat with his men and so did Jarl Borg.

       The peace did not last long and both king Horik and Jarl Borg once again started the petty bickering between them both and once again Ragnar was placed in a tough position on the choose. Ragnar had to tell Jarl Borg that he cannot go to the West, everything was set on the ships.

       Ragnar was in the Great Hall saying goodbye to his second wife along with his children. For Lagertha, she was going to go with Ragnar. Lagertha said goodbye to her children and also Aslaug's children.

       Lagertha and Aslaug hugged each other, between them over the years they have struck up a great friendship between each other.

       All of them made their way to the ships ready for the journey to head back in front northumbria but there was a change in the air, a storm came out and it changed the course for Ragnar and his men.

       But they were able to find land. In Kattagat Aslaug to give birth to another son which she named him Sigurd. Ragnar and the others were being watched by others and without any warning they were attacked by soldiers.

      But luckily for Ragnar and the others won the attack, after the fight Ragnar moved to Athelstan to give him his own armoring because Ragnar was proud of him.

     Ragnar was walking over to two soldiers that were held as he was holding a head, Ragnar wanted to know where they were exactly.

     Ragnar had Athelstan standing by him speaking a different language to speak to the soldiers, where the soldiers told them that this was Wessex which is shocked Athelstan because he has heard stories about the king of Wessex.

      That the king of Wessex is just like Ragnar and that made Ragnar laugh. A soldier was walking through the Halls going into another room to tell the king that the north men have come Shore to Wessex.

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