Chapter 33

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In Kattagat Ragnar was in the bath tub just thinking to himself, yidu walked in.

Real fast both of them started to talk to one another, Ragnar was completely drawn to her without any doubt. As they talked to each other, they were being watched by Aslaug. For her she was pleased that her plan was working.

In Wessex King Egbert called his family along with Queen Kwenthrith but also King Aelle arrived to wessex. Trouble started by King Aelle when he spoke to Queen Kwenthrith and her son. Back in Kattagat everyone gathered around ready for the Yol event that will be truly great.

All of the children of Ragnar surrounded their father as they watch the burning of the log. In Paris, Gisla made her final attempt to get rid of Rollo but he also made his move. That move finally won the princess over, Rollo and Gisla finally became one.

To the sheer shock and surprise by the others in the court. Ragnar wanted to be with Yidu very much, he had no more love for Aslaug. He wanted someone new and someone different, someone who truly understood him.

Ragnar went far for Yidu, where he made her a free woman and gave her a place for her to stay if she choses to. The hate that Aslaug grew for Ragnar so she took her youngest son to Floki and Helga where she wanted her son to be taught in the old ways.

For her son Ivar to hate the christian god, to be different then his father. Of course Floki took the offer that Aslaug spoke. Bjorn survived the cold wild and came for Torvi, lagertha would keep watch over Torvi's son to make sure that he is safe.

Much to Kalf dismay that Bjorn was alive and that he will find out who sent to kill him. In Wessex King Egbert held a Christmas party for all of the nobles, Prince Athelwulf stood close to his wife. Judith was able to give birth yet again to another boy. The child was given the name Edmund of Wessex, it was a true joy to have another baby among them.

And for Aelle he was really overjoyed that his daughter was a mother of four children. In Kattagat everyone was celebrating Yol as one, but after the celebrating morning came with new guests that came to Kattagat. King Harald Finehair with his men came into the great hall where Aslaug was.

Of course she welcome him and his men. He wanted to see Ragnar for himself, Ubbe was unsure about this king. In a brief moment King Harald took over the people of Kattagat with words and his kids. Ragnar arrived inside the great hall where she saw all of his children with unknown man that was sitting on his throne.

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