Chapter 41

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Ragnar was in Kattagat trying to get people to go with him for his raid to England but nobody would go with him.

Nobody wanted to be with Ragnar not anymore. The connections that he had with his sons had officially died, not of his sons and including his daughters did not want anything to do with Ragnar whatsoever.

But other than that inside of the Great Hall Aslaug was with her children eating good food. But that would end very fast because of Ivar and Sigurd.

Aslaug of course took Ivar's side instead of Sigurd. In Kattagat Bjorn with his wife Torvi and his brother Hvitserk stood at the docks looking at the ships that were coming.

While Ragnar was on a cliff looking at the many ships that were coming, the person that was coming to Kattagat is King Harald Finehair and his brother.

But King Harald Finehair also bought his wife, his Queen. Astrid. Everybody moved inside the Great Hall where music played and drinks were passed around.

For everybody was enjoying their time, all the sons of Ragnar joined together in good conversation and the daughters of Ragnar stayed close together.

Lagertha showed up with her husband Kalf and their son, Bjorn greeted his mother when she arrived. Then he greeted King Harald and his brother who entered inside the great hall.

Lagertha stood inside the great hall just looking around until she who someone say her name and that was Aslaug. Lagertha turned around with a smile on her face, both of them greeted each other.

It has been so very long since they saw each other last, Aslaug was so happy to see Lagertha again and she was happy to see that Lagertha was happy. Both of them saw the spot to sit down to just talk to one another, but before she did that Lagertha went over to Ivar. Where Lagertha greeted Ivar with a biggest respect and Ivar did the same.

Ragnar was extremely desperate to get members for his crew so that he can go to England so the last resort that he came up with was to use his gold to get people to come with him.

On the docks Bjorn and Hvitserk were ready to go to the Mediterranean, meanwhile Ragnar was throwing his wealth to the people of the town of Kattagat.

His sons found out what he was doing and it distressed them deeply. Ivar was in the great hall sitting down just thinking, Aslaug came in asking her son Ivar where is Ragnar.

She wanted to speaking with him. Inside the room Aslaug was taking things out of her hair when Ragnar showed up. He thanked her for not turning their sons away from him.

That she did a wonderful job raising all of the sons into great men. Ragnar's words with a deep and beautiful that it made Aslaug cry.

Later that night everyone was asleep Ivar made his move to go to a slave that got his heart for the time being, he just wanted to be held. But for Aslaug she was having a vision about Ivar being killed from a storm where he would drown.

That vision single-handedly scared her to the very bone and when she woke up she went to go search the whole city to find her son. She was able to find Ivar where she told him about her vision and that he could not go. But he told her that he wants to be a man, to be a man of his father.

And that she has been smothering him his entire life he needs space that he wants to be able to live. Very sadly she agreed to it all, Ragnar was ready to go back to England.

Ivar and Ragnar made their way to the docks and out on the ship as they made their way into the sea.  Aslaug was right about the storm, she felt everything Ivar felt in the storm.

Ragnar in the moment of the storm, he regretted on bringing Ivar along with him.

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