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genre: fluff, angst
summary: minho and jisung fight because minho wants jisung to drop one of his friends.
requested by: @3irc0_

T//W: attempted sexual assault

not proofread

"jisung, i'm telling you, he's trying to take advantage of you!" minho exclaimed as he tried to get his point across, but jisung just wouldn't believe him.

"minho, he's my friend, he would never want to do that to me." jisung reasoned, he was sure that minho must have just misheard or misunderstood.

jeonjun would never try and take advantage of jisung like that. he was one of the kindest people that jisung had ever met, but minho knew better. he knew that you never truly knew a person, and he was failing at getting his point across to jisung.

"you're not listening to me!" the older raised his voice slightly, bringing his hands up to his hair and tugging on it out of annoyance.

"no minho, i hear you loud and clear and i'm sorry that i have friends other than you, but i guess you're just going to have to deal with it. stop trying to interfere with my friendships." jisung pointed an accusing finger at the other, lightly prodding his chest.

"you know what? i'm done. have fun on your own with all your other perverted friends." minho grabbed his coat and shoes and left their shared apartment, heading out for seungmin's flat. he didn't want to deal with jisung right now.

"where are you going?!" jisung called after him as he was doing up his laces.

"away from you." he said coldly before he opened the door and slammed it shut. the sound echoed throughout the apartment and now jisung truly felt alone. him and minho never had arguments, and if they did, it was always over something petty that would get resolved quickly, but this argument was much bigger than those ones and now that minho had actually left the apartment jisung felt completely alone.

he'd fucked up and he knew it.

he fell limp and let his body sink down to the floor, using the wall as support. tears slipped down the youngers face as he pressed his palms against his eyes to try and stop the flow, but it didn't help. he let a strangled sob shake his body as he cried, and this time, minho wasn't there to comfort him.

he knew it was selfish to be crying right now, minho had every right to be mad at him. jisung still didn't fully believe that jeonjun would do anything to him, but letting his anger out on minho instead of letting the older explain himself definitely wasn't the smartest move in the world.

minho trudged down the road to seungmin's house. he let the tears fall down his face before quickly wiping them away.

fighting with jisung really wasn't something he needed nor wanted right now. in fact, he wanted the complete opposite. he wanted to bundle his roommate in his arms and kiss all over his face, but perhaps the kissing would come on a little strong seeing as they were only friends. at least that's what minho assumed jisung thought anyway.

he rang the doorbell to seungmin's apartment and the door opened shortly after.

a tired seungmin opened the door.

"minho?" he asked, confused.

"can i, um, can i come in?" minho scratched his nape awkwardly. appearing at his best friends door out of the blue made him feel embarrassed. normally they only met if they had plans, so seungmin knew this was somewhat serious.

"yeah, of course." he opened the door wider and let the older inside.

the boy wiped his shoes on the mat and took them off, placing them inside the shoe rack before he collapsed on the sofa.

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