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genre: fluff
summary: jisung doesn't really care about school and so the principal assigned minho to keep him in check.
requested by: @BrookWilliams2

"jisung, if you keep skipping i'm going to have to suspend you, you know that, right? and i really don't want to do that."

"yes dad. sorry dad."

"i'm going to assign you a partner to keep you from doing anything stupid."

"what? are you serious? i'm not even that bad, there are people who have done way worse than me."

"i'm aware. i'm also aware that they got suspended so unless you want the same fate, i would advise you to suck it up."

"sorry dad." jisung fiddled with his hands in his lap. he wasn't great with new people. he was anxious.

his father busied himself typing on his laptop when a knock sounded from the door.

"ah," his father exclaimed, "must be minho."

the door opened to reveal the most gorgeous boy jisung had ever laid eyes on.

the boy, minho, bowed and greeted his father before announcing his name.

"right, you two, go off to class i haven't got all day."

"so, um." minho started. to be honest he was quite scared of the younger boy, his reputation wasn't the best, even though he always denied that he was as bad as the rumors said, you could never be too sure.

jisung however was finding all this too amusing. the rumors of him beating people up and doing other extreme things when he skipped were far too obviously not true, but no one could see that. when he skipped school he would either hang out in the bathroom or the roof or leave school altogether and hang out at a park or somewhere similar. the most extremes he would do was talk back to teachers and disrupt a class.

'this is gonna be so fun.' he thought to himself, thinking of more extreme ways to get minho to back off.

"okay ,minho hyung, there's this boring blank wall outside that needs some colour."

"where are you going with this?"

"this school needs some creativity, it's so boring."

"jisung, you can't-" but he'd already run off. minho had to run after him, only to find him spray painting a wall.

"oh god." is all he could say.


jisung was finding it all too amusing to make minho angry at him and the older had had enough. he needed a knew way to think about it. jisung is obviously looking for a reaction so he shouldn't give it to him. he needs to make him behave.

"you need to train him, almost. praise him when he gets something right, give him a reward. it's like training a dog." minho thinks back to what the principal told him. now that he looks at jisung. he's not anything like the rumors. he has a soft, delicate personality and fragile emotions. he's not tough or short tempered. he's kind and funny. he's an enjoyable person to be around.

currently the younger was making a teacher mad. minho walked over to him and pulled him away, profusely apologizing to the teacher and becoming angry at jisung.

'if he does something good, i'll praise him for it.' he thought.

"just eat your food, stop annoying everyone." jisung rolled his eyes and, huffing, sat down to eat.

"good." minho said with a stern tone. even with his angered emotions he chose to praise jisung for listening to him and so ruffled his hair. jisung's eyes went wide, he hasn't felt that since he was little. it felt nice. he touched where minho's hands had been. the older pretended to pay no attention but was instead noting down the reaction. the younger obviously liked it. that was the reward.

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