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genre: fluff

summary: minho's diary

"all the pretty stars shine for you, my love" - lana del rey

dear diary,

today he wore a ring on his finger. it was silver. it was a heart. i wish i could give him a ring like that.

dear diary,

today the sun was warm and gentle. over the weekend he got more tan. the sun painted him in a halo light. his skin's the perfect colour.

dear diary,

today his laugh was airy and refreshing. i want to make him laugh like that. i want to capture it with my ears and store it in a box. i want to hear it when i feel sad. i want to be the cause of it.

dear diary,

today i sketched him in my book. careful with the details. careful to get his frail body, soft face and doe eyes. careful to sketch his smile accurately so i could look at it forever. when i got home i ripped the page out. it didn't do him justice.

dear diary,

today i danced and i thought about him. i thought about him when i was dancing to a love song, i thought about him when i was dancing to a sad song, i thought about him when i was dancing to a song with no lyrics. i thought about him when i was dancing.

dear diary,

today we had a test. i finished early so i could look at him. he's cute when he's concentrating. he went to sleep after the test. his breath blew a strand of hair up and down and he woke up because of it. i wanted to move it. so it didn't tickle him in his sleep. so he could get some more rest.

dear diary,

today i heard him in a music room on the way to the dance studio. he was singing this time. not rapping. he sounded angelic. like the heavens attentively crafted the perfect vocals just to pass them onto him. he was playing the guitar. i could sit and listen to him for hours.

dear diary,

today he looked so gorgeous. he was wearing an oversized black t-shirt and baggy jeans. he had silver studs in and black boots on his feet. his shirt was tucked in at the front. he kept tugging the hem.

dear diary,

today i saw him looking at me. we made eye contact. i told my friends and they said he looks at me a lot. i hope he thinks i'm pretty. i'll do my hair nice for him tomorrow. if he's to look at me i want to at least look nice.


he always looks pretty.



dear diary,

today we went on our second date. he took me to the park and we sat on some swings. he said he liked the little things and didn't think expensive restaurants expressed true feelings. taking someone somewhere you enjoy yourself does. i enjoy being with him.

dear diary,

today i had a dream about our first date. i don't remember much about the dream but i remember our first date. i took him to a coffee shop and he told me that his favourite song was playing when we walked in. i listen to it everyday.

dear diary,

today we watched the sunset. the colours of orange and pink engulfed the sky but i wasn't looking at that. i was looking at him. the pinks and oranges reflected in his eyes. they sparkled with endearment. it was raining but i didn't notice. and neither did he.

dear diary,

today i held his hand. it was soft and small and fit perfectly with mine. he likes to play with my hands. when he's explaining something. he always asks and i'll never refuse. i like the way he traces my knuckles and brushes the pad of his fingers over my nails. it makes me feel safe.

dear diary,

today he smelt like sweet oranges and vanilla. i told him he smelt nice and he told me i did too but i didn't wear any perfume. i told him this and he smiled at me and told me that he liked my natural scent. he lay his head on my shoulder.

dear diary,

today he told me he liked talking to me and i told him i liked talking to him as well. i like the sound of his voice. it's like honey. he said my voice sounded like a sweet summer breeze. "what do you mean?" i asked. he said it was cold but refreshing. he repeated that he liked it. maybe he thought his description would be taken as an insult.

dear diary,

today he played the guitar for me but he said he felt to shy to sing. i leant my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on my bed of hair. i closed my eyes. he plays like the sound of rain. calm and comforting. i was sad when the song ended because it meant we had to say goodbye. not forever though. i think i would cry.

dear diary,

today i told my grandma about him. she said i must love him a lot. i said i do, very much.


i can't wait to see him again.



dear diary,

today i got married.

he looked so beautiful. he was wearing a white suit with a black tie. i was wearing a black suit with a white tie. he told me he loved me. he told me he wanted to stay with me forever. he told me even death couldn't part us. i said my vows. i said he caught my eye when i first saw him. i said he made me feel like i had the world on my shoulders. i said he made me gain back all the faith i'd lost. he cried and so did i.

i gave him a ring. it was like the one i first saw on his hand. a silver heart but this time it had diamonds encrusted in it. he held it up to the light to admire it. he said it was almost as beautiful as me and i told him that he was the beautiful one. he gave me my ring. it was the same. a silver diamond encrusted heart.

today we kissed again. i still felt the rush. even five years later. his lips are comforting and delicate. it was short, i didn't want to kiss in front of a lot of people.

we danced. we danced to the first song he told me he loved on our first date. it was slow and i wanted it to last forever.

today i felt the happiest.

i felt, and still feel, the happiest knowing that ̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶n̶  lee jisung is my husband.

i think jisung is the most beautiful man to exist. inside and out. his emotions might be fragile but that's what makes him him. i love jisung. i love that he's the first person i think of when i'm going to sleep and the first person i think of when i wake up. i still think about him when i dance and he says he makes songs about me. he says his other members of his rap group recommend he starts a solo career like they're all planning to so they can release songs personal to them. jisung said he wanted his to be a diary of our memories together and i cried. he kissed my head and told me that i was the prettiest person he ever knew. i sobbed into his chest because i still can't believe it.

i still can't believe i got married to the love of my life.

minsung oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora