first sight

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genre: fluff, angst
summary: jisung is new to the school and minho is the first one to notice him.
requested by: @qrwskz

jisung took a deep breath and stepped through the gates of the new school.

moving was something he did a lot. it was one of the reasons he had no physical baby photos, they were all lost in the moving process.

the worst part about moving for the small boy was going to a new school. he learnt not to get too close or attached to people because in the end, he'd have to leave them. this made his childhood relatively lonely. he'd never had a sleepover before, he'd never really been "out with friends" eg. shopping, he'd never really been to someone's house for dinner and he'd certainly never had a boyfriend before.

this meant he tended to crave others attention, he wanted as much as he could before he'd have to move again and make new friends, however, he was never really a talker and tended to keep quiet. it frustrated him that his two strongest feelings would contradict themselves.

it was a tiresome cycle and the boy often didn't get much sleep became of it, his parents worry that he's developing insomnia, but jisung thinks he's already got it. maybe that's why his eye bags are so bad and his face is so puffy all the time.

this specific move, however, was to be permanent, as this was jisung's second to last year at school, his parents knew if they moved again soon it would have a negative impact on his education and ability to get into his dream college. they were aware all the moving had done direct damage to his education already and they didn't want to increase that.

both jisung's parents had to move a lot for work, and jisung being only 17, had to move with them.

but they knew by now he should be old enough and mature enough to look after himself if they had to move again. they would just get him a little apartment and give him money to pay bills and buy food ect.

jisung wandered the corridors completely lost, not wanting to ask anyone for help as everyone looked intimidating or scary. he attempted to find the head teachers office on his own.


minho was taking a quick walk around school before first period when a cute boy caught his attention. he'd never seen him before. that didn't really say much though. yes, he's popular, but he doesn't really care for anyone out of his friend circle.

the boy had light brown hair, brown, tired eyes and honey toned skin, his cheeks were round and his lips were plump but slightly chapped.

minho caught himself staring for a second too long. his heart rate speeding up as the boy looked his way, causing them to make eye contact.

the boy became red and looked away quickly.


"hey, are you lost?" minho asked politely.

the boy jumped suddenly and minho smiled at his cute antics.

"u-uh, yeah...i'm new here..." he said shyly, wringing out his hands while staring at the floor.

"well, i can show you to the principles office to get your time table if you want?" minho suggested.

"ah, but, w-won't you miss your classes." jisung mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

"don't worry about me." he wanted to skip class anyway.

"so what's your name?" they started walking towards the office.

minho struck up light conversation as to not make it awkward, but also, more so, so he could get to know the boy.

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