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genre: fluff, angst
summary: jisung is a shy nerd and minho has a popular reputation to hold up, but they're dating.
requested by: @Ineedmydelulupills

T//W: sexual assault.

not proofread

minho values his pride, maybe a little too much.

jisung and minho were round at minho apartment. jisung was biting his lip harshly and fiddling with his hands. he wanted to ask something, and he'd wanted to ask it for a long time, but he didn't know how.

today, however, was his breaking point. seeing his, supposed, boyfriend sitting on the opposite side of the sofa to him trigger something in his head to blurt the words out.

"do you actually want to be with me?" he asked, voice quivering as tears pricked his eyes.

"what?" minho's response was cold.

"do you love me?" he asked what he was thinking with no hesitation.

"what? why would i? you're spitting random shit." minho fired back.

jisung didn't even fight the tears, he let them flow down his face. he wanted minho to feel guilt.

he grabbed his shoes and left the house, harshly slamming the door.

minho ran after him.

"wait! ji!" he called after the younger.

"don't fucking call me that!" the boy shouted back before running in the opposite direction to his house.

minho was an idiot. a stupid, fucking idiot.

he loved jisung. he really did. but he was stupid. he let his reputation at school get the better of him.


the next day, jisung ignored minho completely, and minho knew he deserved it. he cried the whole night and his eyes were puffy in the morning. his hair was a mess.

but jisung looked the same as he did yesterday and that probably hurt minho the most. he wasn't even affected.

jisung didn't even look in minho's direction, even when they sat together in lesson.

everyone saw that something was wrong with minho, but they didn't know what. since minho was never seen chatting to jisung unless it was about work, they would never guess his mood was because of the shy boy.

jisung only had one friend he could confide in and felix had definitely helped a lot, but no one else realised anything was wrong with him, because no one else even knew his name.

he sat with minho on the roof most days however, now, he sat alone, sometimes with felix, but he let the boy run off to his boyfriend the majority of the time.

the week was a long one for both boys. neither spoke much and minho never went out with his friends and jisung had his nose in his books more than usual.


⚠️sexual assault⚠️

jisung was walking down the corridor after asking to go to the bathroom in the middle of lesson, tears were prickling his eyes. he missed minho. yes, what he said was horrible, but he was an amazing boyfriend and had never done anything to upset, hurt or make jisung uncomfortable in any way and the boy would forever be thankful.

suddenly, someone ran up to him.

"hey, i saw you walking alone, you're pretty cute." jisung flushed slightly, he was never used to compliments.

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