saved pt. 2

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genre: fluff, angst, omegaverse au
summary: jisung is an omega and gets attacked by an alpha, minho, another alpha, saves him part 2.
requested by: @Lizzyastray00

disclaimer: i've never written omegaverse before so if anything is incorrect i'm sorry 😓

not proofread

jisung stirred awake after feeling movement beside him. there was a crash and then a groan. jisung opened his eyes.

he was met with a necklace dangling over his face. someone was reaching over him.

he looked up slightly only to find it was minho. he yelped a little in surprise and pink dust settling on his cheeks.

upon hearing the noise, minho lay back down.

"good morning." he said, his voice a little husky from sleep.

"um, morning." jisung spoke quietly.

"sorry about..." minho gestured with his hands, "that. i was trying to get my phone and then it fell off the bedside table." the older smiled sheepishly.

why didn't he just put his phone on his bedside table?

"i don't usually sleep this side, so it was just over there from where i left it yesterday." minho spoke as if reading jisung's mind.

the squirrel boy nodded and carefully untangled his tail from minho's. he clambered out of bed and grimaced a little as he hadn't changed clothes.

he pretty much never wanted to wear them again. they felt infected and he felt violated. like every time he recalled the events of earlier his skin burnt and he felt hands press themselves all over his body.

"can i, um, shower?" jisung asked tentatively.

"sure, the bathroom's that door there and there should be towels in the towel warmer." minho scooted to where jisung had just been sleeping to pick up his phone.

"thank you." jisung bowed a little and entered the bathroom making minho chuckle at his politeness. he definitely didn't know they were mates.

about half an hour later, jisung opens the door, peaking his head round the door.

"um, do you have any clothes?" jisung's face was dusted a crimson red with embarrassment.

"oh, right, yeah, here." minho scrambled out of his bed and took some clothes out of his closet.

he made his way over to jisung to hand him the clothes. the door opened slightly more to let the others hand through which gave minho a little glance at jisung's bare torso before the door forcefully shut again. but minho had seen enough.

the boy had a slim waist, defined abs and a carved collarbone. could he get anymore perfect?

the younger put the clothes on and was immediately engulfed in an overwhelming sense of safety and warmth. he snuggled into the clothes, bringing the shirt close to his nose and burying it in it for a second.

the squirrel reappeared in minho's clothes. they were very baggy on him, the shirt, which was already a little oversized on minho, showed jisung's honey toned collarbone and the large sweatpants made him look tiny. his bushy tail looked even fluffier due to it just being washed and his ears twitched and stuck up making him look extra cute.

"you look adorable." minho commented, making jisung blush and hide his face.

for some reason, minho had this effect on jisung that whatever he did and whatever he said made him blush profusely.

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