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genre: fluff
summary: lee minho has been dragged to a skatepark by his best friend and han jisung is just a lonely skater

"why are you dragging me here again?" minho asked, unwillingly being pulled by the wrist by his best friend hyunjin to the skatepark.

"Because," he starts with an attitude, "i want a change of scenery from my last skatepark and i don't want to be alone in case there are gangsters there or something."

"you're so weird."

"they'll run away once they see you because your like super strong and stuff."

"sure whatever." minho dismissed.

eventually, they got to the skatepark, there was only two other people.

a black haired handsome guy who looked similar to a fox and a cute guy who looked like a squirrel and had chubby cheeks.

"you can just sit on the grass or something, these guys look nice."

"wow thanks hyunjin." minho put his headphones in lying down and eventually falling asleep.

when he woke up, he could feel a hand on his forehead. he blinked a few times and sat up, the person immediately retracted their hand.

"who are you and what are you doing?" minho asked, rather coldly. he didn't mean it to come out like that but he tended to be cranky when he first woke up, and some stranger touching his forehead without his consent when he just woke up definitely wasn't helping.

"ah, i'm sorry, it's just the sun was in your eyes and i didn't want you being blinded or something." he awkwardly chuckled.

"ah." minho acknowledged, feeling slightly bad about how he'd treated him.

"your friend left with my friend by the way..."

"huh? seriously?" the older was going to kill hyunjin.

"oh, um, my names jisung. han jisung." jisung held out a hand and minho shook it.

"lee minho. so, you know any tricks on that board?"


after about 1 hour, minho had managed to master the skating part, but decided that watching jisung was more fun. he'd already cut his leg.

jisung was busy focusing on mastering a kick flip on the ramp that he didn't realize that his leg was also bleeding slightly.

"jisung!" the older called. jisung stopped what he was doing and walked over to where he was laying.

"jisung your leg."

"what?" he looked down to see some crimson running down his shin.

"oh." was all he said before rummaging in his bag for some medical things.

"this happens often? you don't seem affected by it."

"yeah, i mean when you've been skating for a while you tend to learn these things."

the younger started to treat his wound.

"jisung you're doing it wrong." jisung looked at minho confused. this is the way he'd always done it.

"here let me." the younger complied and sat on the grass, letting minho treat his wound. minho's hands were soft and steady like they knew what they were doing. jisung felt a warm blush rise to his cheeks every time minho's hand would brush against his leg.

"has this happened to you a lot as well? you seem to know what your doing."

he laughed, " i guess you could say i'm pretty reckless."


"oh, it's my mum." they had been sitting on the grass letting jisung rest his leg for a while now, watching the sunset before and annoying call had interrupted their peaceful conversation.

"i guess i have to go now." jisung sighed. sadness obvious in his tone.

"really?" minho whined, not wanting to say goodbye to the boy.

"give me your number and we can text." the younger gave minho his phone to put his number in.

minho gathered his things with jisung and just as they were about to part separate ways, minho kissed jisung on the cheek. it was short and simple but the younger memorized exactly how soft and delicate minho's lips had felt against his skin.

"i'll see you next time."

"y-yeah..." jisung was too stunned to comprehend what was happening and before he knew it minho was walking away. no he can't let the older think his feelings aren't reciprocated.

"w-wait m-minho!" minho turned around, a confused look on his face, his lips curling into a smile when he saw jisung's bright red face. jisung ran over to minho before clumsily placing a kiss on his jawline (he aimed for his cheek but stumbled when he got close and his lips fell to his jawline).

now it was minho's turn to turn red. he kept composed though, much to jisung's admiration. he simply ruffled his hair and told him he must get going before walking away leaving a stunned jisung yet again.

when the squirrel-like boy decided to text minho on his way home, he realized minho hadn't saved a contact name for himself.

change "012345678" to "min <3"
yes             no


min <3
- hey hannie

minsung oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora