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genre: fluff, angst
summary: minho shows jisung how perfect he is.

T//W: struggling with body image/body dysphoria.

jisung stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. he'd just got out the shower and was standing in his boxers. he'd been in the middle of getting dressed when he saw his reflection and could only stare.

'why is my stomach so chubby? i want abs. and my cheeks...they're too fat. and my arms and legs are too skinny, i look like a twig. why doesn't my hair fall correctly? my lashes are so short. my body looks so feminine. my skin is starting to get worse. is my cleanser not working? maybe i should start wearing makeup. minho wouldn't want to date someone who's ugly.'

he carried on thinking this way about every single little thing on his body. he was so immersed in picking himself apart that he didn't even notice he'd started crying.

when he did notice, he picked that apart too.

'why am i such a crybaby? i don't even look pretty when i cry. god i'm so pathetic. i can't even look in the mirror without crying. now my eyes are all red. i look so ugly. minho's going to hate me.'

a particularly loud sobbed racked his body, catching minho's attention who was walking passed the bathroom to the living room.

worried about why his jisung was crying, he knocked on the door.

"baby? are you in there?" he asked, concerned.

the sobs immediately shut up.

"i-i'll be o-out in a s-second." there was some shuffling and a loud sob.

"baby?" minho's voice was soft but commanding. "princess, you better open this door right now." minho tried the door handle and to his luck, it was unlocked.

he entered cautiously. there was still a little steam in the air from jisung's shower, so minho opened a window to let more air in so jisung could breathe better before turning to his baby.

minho saw jisung standing in front of the mirror and staring at him through the reflection with large, boba eyes, his bottom lip quivering slightly.

minho wrapped his muscular arms around jisung's torso and rested his head upon the boys shoulder.

"what a beautiful boy." minho said softly, gazing lovingly at jisung.

jisung pointed at minho. he didn't feel like talking and minho understood that, he knew what the boy was trying to say.

jisung often became non-verbal after panic attacks, anxiety or something similar, but minho always knew what jisung was trying to tell him.

"no, princess, not me, you." he gently rubbed his hands up and down jisung's waist.

jisung shook his head.

minho nodded his head.

"my pretty boy," jisung broke down, "my lovely boy. my smart boy. my gorgeous boy. you're hyung's beautiful boy, hm?" minho kissed his neck softly.

"let's see now." minho lifted his head off jisung's shoulder, "han jisung has a beautiful nose." he traced the bridge of jisung's nose, "han jisung has beautiful, brown eyes." he spoke slowly and carefully, pronouncing each syllable clearly, "han jisung has beautiful little chocolate chips scattered about his body." minho kissed a couple of the moles, "han jisung has beautiful lips and an even prettier smile. han jisung has a beautiful voice which makes hyungs heart flutter. han jisung has beautiful, soft hair." he ruffled his hair slightly, running his hands through the detangled, silky locks.

jisung melted into the older's touch.

"han jisung has beautiful shoulders." he traced his hands along the boys shoulders. "han jisung has beautiful arms that make hyung feel so safe and warm when he's in them. han jisung has a beautiful, small waist that hyung loves to hold."he held his waist. "han jisung has a beautiful tummy and oh? can hyung can see abs poking through? i think he can." minho traced a six pack on jisung stomach and placed a soft kiss on jisung's neck.

jisung giggled at the touch, it was warm and ticklish.

"han jisung has beautiful thighs. han jisung has beautiful knees and calves and ankles and feet." he caressed jisung's sides as he said this. "and, of course, my favorite," minho held han's cheeks, delicately squishing them, "han jisung has beautiful, squishy, cute, fluffy cheeks." minho pecked either one, tilting jisung's head to the side slightly so he could kiss them better since he was still standing behind him in front of the mirror.

"do you know what else han jisung has?" jisung shook his head. "han jisung had a beautiful heart." he traced a heart shape where jisung's heart would sit. "han jisung has a beautiful soul and han jisung has beautiful emotions." minho wrapped his arms tightly around jisung's waist, pulling him close, back hugging him.

"overall, han jisung is beautiful." he concluded.

jisung stared at himself in the mirror. he started to see everything in a different light. he started to see his perfections against his imperfections.

and then he looked at minho. he saw an ethereal being. no words could describe his beauty.

he looked at minho with his large eyes, trying to tell him something. he pointed his finger at minho.

"me?" minho asked, "what about me?"

"b-beautiful." jisung whispered hoarsely.

minho beamed brightly, a pink dust settled quietly onto his cheeks.

"aww, sweetie." he buried his head into the boys hair, "thank you." he kissed his head.

"let's get you dressed, okay?"

minho helped jisung put on his t-shirt that he liked to sleep in and one of the older's hoodies. more specifically the one the older had just been wearing. minho didn't mind though. he knew the warmth and scent would be an extra comfort.

the clambered into bed and minho wrapped his arms securely around jisung.

the younger curled up to minho, trying to make himself smaller by burying into minho's chest and hoodie, being completely engulfed by his arms.

minho cooed softly.

"my princess is very cute and tiny." he tucked a hair behind jisung's ear, "and my princess will never forget his beauty and worth." minho pressed a kiss to his forehead. "and my princess won't forget how proud hyung is of him and how proud hyung is to call him his."

jisung snuggled closer, trying to be completely enclosed into his boyfriend, close not being close enough.

minho tucked the boys head into the crook of his neck.

"and my princess will never forget that hyung loves him and treasures him no matter what because he will always be beautiful."

"i-i love you." jisung whispered, so quiet it could barely be heard. but minho heard it, he would always here what jisung had to say.

"i love you too, baby."

and after a sweet kiss on the lips, jisung was lulled into a sleep, knowing he was safe and protected in minho's arms and knowing that he was beautiful.

A//N: guys i feel so soft 🥺

in my feels rn omg this was so cute i'm very happy with it!!

what's ur fave song?
(doesn't have to be skz or kpop)

love u 💕

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