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genre: angst, fluff
summary: minho is jealous and accidentally spills his feelings for jisung

c//w: swearing

"i don't get it. why are you so mad?" minho just walked ahead not saying a word.

"come on minho. don't be a bitch just spill it."

"no because you know what? you're apart of the problem." minho snapped, raising his voice slightly, he sharply turned around and walked away. regretting everything he just did. it was just a date, so why was he so mad. jisung could go out with whoever he wanted, it didn't have to be him.

jisung ran up to minho, hurt by his words but desperate to not show it.

"i'm sorry, there must be something i can do, at least if you tell me i'll better understand how to fix it."

jisung was too kind. sometimes minho needed him to be a little bitch and just walk away instead of pushing all his buttons.

"no, you know what i'm sick of this." he paused, jisung was trying to blink back tears, afraid to hear what was going to be said next. "i'm sick of watching you go on your silly little dates with that boyfriend of yours."

"he's not-"

"and i'm so incredibly sick of you looking happy with him. i've tried so hard to make you happy and i've tried so hard to be pleased for you but you know what? i can't. i can't do it. so if you're going to date him then i'm sorry but i can't do this." he paused. taking a breath and pursing his lips before carrying on.

"jisung...i can't live without you. i can't go a second without thinking about you. i need you. more than a friend. i fucking love you. i love you so much, you can't comprehend. jesus, i can't even comprehend. i love you so immensely that seeing you with someone else makes me genuinely want to smash my head against that brick wall." he harshly points next to him.

"i'm sick of being tossed aside because this random guy gets first priority. i don't want to be a second choice and maybe that's selfish but i don't really give fifty shades of fuck right now."

"jisung it's either me or him. i'm sorry."

jisung stands their helplessly. the last thing he expected was for minho to confess his undying love for him and the last thing be expected was to relate to it. the dates were a distraction from the elephant in the room. the tragically obvious feelings.

"minho..." jisung starts slowly making his way over to the older who had sank to the floor.

"i only started dating him to distract myself from you. i feel the same. and maybe i haven't been the best at showing that-" minho scoffed under his breath but the younger ignored it. "but i care and i never meant to toss you aside, i just wanted to get over you."

"don't get over me, get under me." minho muttered. jisung kicked him.

"but i don't get it," minho started, becoming serious again, "and i certainly don't believe you if you haven't even shown me that that could ever be true, i mean, going on dates with someone else is stupid."

the older stood up so that the younger had to slightly lift his head to look him in the eyes.

"minho, i honestly don't know what to tell you because everything i just said is true. you mean the world to me and...and i just didn't know what to do with those feelings." jisung looked at the floor, "i mean everyone does say i look at you with so much love it makes them sick."

"min," the younger looks back up at the older, "i truly do love you." he stared into his eyes as he said that.

"do you mean it?"

"every word."

"then you won't mind if i do this?" minho lightly held jisung's chin and tilted it upwards. lowering his own head. he hovered slightly, silently asking permission.

"please." jisung whispered, maybe a little too desperately.

their lips collided and a rush of passion, love, care, lust and want molded and bloomed as their lips moved safely and securely with one another.

not yet crossing boundaries but pleasing both of their desires, they parted. panting slightly. both their foreheads rested together.

"so you'll stop seeing him?"

"mentally he's blocked."

"you want to stay with me tonight." it wasn't much of a question and rather a statement but nevertheless, jisung happily agreed, kissing minho's small nose mole twice. minho chuckled and pecked each of jisung's cheeks.

a//n: two updates today 😗

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