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genre: fluff, angst, hybrid au
summary: minho was abused by his ex-master and see's him in public when out with his new master, jisung.
requested by: @skzfieldpov

soft minho

not proofread

t//w: panic attack

"hyung, come on we have to go. these groceries aren't gonna buy themself." jisung groaned as minho was busy fixing his hair.

"you look beautiful, now come on." minho blushed at jisung's unexpected words, but brushed them off as him just wanting to get a move on.

minho grabbed jisung's hand, his ears twitched slightly as he felt electricity at the simple touch of the younger. he dragged jisung towards the car and climbed in the drivers seat with jisung next to him.

"who said you could drive?"

"me." minho smirked, turning up the air conditioning to make it warmer. he was a cat hybrid after all. he loved everything that emitted heat. mostly jisung though.

they arrived quickly, jisung picked up a basket and started walking the isles, picking up food minho had no interest in, until they reached the cat food isle.

"go pick something." jisung smiled softly at the older, urging him to pick out whatever food he wanted. of course, minho ate the food jisung eats but every now and then, he wants something else.

"we should buy felix some felix cat food." minho said giggling to himself, jisung laughed along slightly, not taking his eyes off minho's smile in case he misses it.

"have you chosen yet?"

"yes, here." he put the food in the basket and they started making their way to the snack section to pick something up for the way home.

"hey minho, do you think-" jisung paused seeing minho's frightened state.

"hey, are you okay?" minho only stood there, wide eyed and pale.

jisung looked over to where he was starting and saw a man, about his late 20s, picking up some milk. the younger could only assume who it was.

"min, let's go over here, yeah?" he knew what was about to happen and wanted minho to be out of sight of the public so as not to embarrass himself. even though panic attacks are definitely not embarrassing.

jisung held minho's hand softly and pulled him out of his trance by slightly nudging him. the older turned to face jisung, a tear slipped down his face. he was still in shock.

"come on." jisung spoke slow and soft so as not to startle him.

jisung decided to leave the basket where it was, it doesn't matter if someone stole something from it, it wasn't his anyway, he hadn't payed for it. right now, minho was more important.

he led them outside and sat them under a tree just outside the car park. minho was calming down, but of course, nothing can ever go right can it?

⚠️ panic attack and blood ⚠️

"oh, look who it is." a voice was heard in front of them. neither of the boys had noticed anyone coming towards them and so they got startled slightly.

minho whimpered and covered his ears, pulling them down to touch his hair, clearly distressed and overwhelmed by the whole situation as his breathing started to speed up.

"dude, fuck off." jisung wanted to get up and punch him straight in the face but also didn't want to leave minho alone in the vulnerable state he was in.

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